Clara + Danny = love (Clara's POV)

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Clara's POV

Five minutes

I stare at the clock, why can't time go faster? It doesn't help that Jason is an incredibly slow reader, "I. See. She. Said. Sc... Scor... Sco..."

"Scornfully" I interrupt, can't this boy read? I watch the clock as the hand ticks slowly, tick...tick...tick...tick... DRIIIIIIIING finally, the bell. All the kids are rushing to pack away their things. "Your homework for Wednesday is to read up to page 50" a chorus of 'awws' erupts from the class. "Oh shush it's only reading, it'll do you lot some good." The last few kids are trickling out of the classroom, hurry up hurry up! I rush out of the classroom behind them and start down the busy corridor, dodging kids left right and centre who are going the opposite way. It's difficult when half the kids are taller than you. Why is his classroom at the other end of the corridor? I can't wait to see him, I haven't seen him since this morning. I had a tonne of homework to mark so I didn't see him at lunch. I miss him. Finally I approach the door to his class, and I see him standing, writing something on his whiteboard at the front of the classroom. I lean against the doorframe and clear my throat loudly. He swivels round and smiles when he sees me.

"Why hello Miss Oswald" he says.

"Hi" I giggle happily as I skip into the classroom and hop up on his desk. "Whatcha doing?" I ask playfully.

"Mathy stuff" he replies. I look at the board. Eww numbers, I've never really been that great at math and it looks really confusing. "I'm not going to pretend to understand that" I say. He laughs. "Here" he says "I have a simple equation for you" he takes his pen and writes on the board.






He frames it with a big heart. How sweet! I love my Danny, he is always doing little things to make me smile. "Aww" I say loudly, giving him a hug. He looks down at me.

"You know I love you right?" He says, my heart flutters

"I know" I say "I love you too" I stand up on my tippy toes and kiss him softly, one hand on his shoulder, the other caressing his cheek, he holds me firmly by the waist. A few seconds later we both jump at the sound of a voice in the doorway,

"Mr Pink, about the homework I... Well, what do we have here?" Oh god, it can't be, Courtney Woods is now standing smugly at the door. "I knew it!"

"Courtney, what are you still doing here?" I ask, dropping my hands away from Danny.

"I got held back in geography"

"If you leave now and don't tell anyone about us then you won't have to do the homework." Danny says.

"Everyone already knows and I wasn't going to do it anyway." She says casually.

"What do you mean everyone knows?" I ask, worried.

"Oh come on!" Courtney replies over-dramatically "it's pretty obvious. The Ozzie and the Squaddie." So that's what they keep saying, I wondered what that was about.

"Courtney" Danny speaks again "leave."

"Ozzie loves the Squaddie" she replies. This is getting irritating.

"Yep! Now off you pop!" I say. At this she giggles as disappears down the corridor, but I have no doubt that by tomorrow morning, the entire school will know that Courtney Woods found the "Ozzie" and the "Squaddie" kissing in the classroom. Great.

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