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Ashton's P.O.V

I groaned as my alarm beeped loudly, pulling me out of a deep sleep.

Why did school have to start back up so early?

I felt the sunlight streaming in through the curtains onto my face.

I yawned and stretched, throwing off the covers.

I stepped out of bed, eyes half closed, and trudged to the bathroom, not bothering to put on pants.

I frowned when my fingers brushed over my midsection and noticed that I had put on a shirt at one point in the night.

I flicked the light on in my bathroom, and looked in the mirror to fix my hair.

What came next is something that I never would have ever imagined.

I took one look at my reflection and let out a scream.

What looked back in the mirror was not me.

Well, it was me, some parts of it, but what stared back at me...was a girl.

"What the hell?!" I screeched in a high-pitched, girly voice.

I clamped my hand over my mouth in shock.

"Ashlyn?" I heard my mum's voice call from downstairs, "Are you all right?"

"Ashlyn?" I whispered.

Had I heard her wrong?

I decided to wonder about that later and called, "Yes Mum, I'm good!"

I turned back to the mirror and examined my new appearance.

How the hell could this have happened?!

My face shape had changed from a strong jawline and high cheekbones to softer features with small, round cheeks.

I tested out a smile and noticed that I still had my dimples.

My eyes were still the same light green, but they were adorned with long, soft eyelashes.

I had fair freckles covering my stubby nose and my lips were noticeably fuller.

And to top it all off, I had long, wavy, dirty blonde hair that reached just below my boobs.

Oh yeah.


I almost screamed once again as I discovered my new accessories, poking them and examining them in the mirror, but quickly stopped as I squeezed too hard and let out a small yelp.

"Mikey was right, that does hurt," I mumbled as I massaged my sore boob.

Oh my god, Michael! And the others! What would they think of this? Oh shit, I'm so screwed... I thought.

I figured there wasn't much I could do right now, so I decided to stop freaking out and make an effort to look presentable.

I found a hairbrush and ran it through my unruly hair.

There was still time before school started. I would go and find Michael, and tell him about what happened.

I rummaged under the counter looking for some hair ties that my mum kept under there, but stopped when I pulled out some makeup.

"Do I really have to wear this shit?" I groaned.

I sort of knew what did what, as I used to watch my mom apply it when I was little.

I pulled out what I assumed was foundation, and poured too much into my hand.

"Oh crap..." I muttered.

I put a little bit onto a puffy brush I found and smeared the rest onto a towel by the bathtub.

I messily applied it and followed it with some loose powdery stuff.

Thank god my hands had shrunk to normal girl size, as it made applying makeup way easier.

I then applied sloppy eyeliner, which I stabbed myself in the eye three times with, then finished it off with pink lip gloss.

When I was done, I felt triumphant.

My first task completed as a girl!

Even though I looked like I was severely hung over, I was sill proud of my accomplishment.

I walked back into my room and rummaged through my drawers.

I noticed with surprise that all of my clothes had been replaced with girl garments.

"Great," I groaned.

I found some random stone wash shorts and pulled them on.

I took off my shirt, avoiding the full length mirror in my room as I pulled out a red bra.

I felt wrong touching it, like I was invading someone's privacy.

I examined the clasps on the back, and after about 5 minutes of struggling with it, I finally managed to get it on.

I dug through my top drawer in search of a shirt, and pulled out a black crop top with the words "punk rock" on it.

The shirt was what Luke would call "basic".

I made a sour face at it, but proceeded to put it on anyway.

I was glad to know that my old, tattered black converse were still there for me to wear.

After I had grabbed my car keys, I was out the door and on my way to find out what had happened to me.


Lol poor ash

Anyway hope you enjoyed it :)

Abby xx

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