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Ashton's P.O.V

The day trudged on slowly.

I barely made it through all my classes, not paying attention in most of them.

I was itching to talk to the rest of the band about my situation.

My Spanish teacher, Señora Palmer gave us a test and said we could leave when we finished.

As soon as I was done, I shot out of my chair, grabbed my stuff, and ran out the door.

I knew Michael and Calum had History last period, and Luke had Honors Math, so I ran to the front hallway to wait for the new girl versions of them.

As I leaned on the vending machine scrolling through Twitter, I felt someone staring at me.

I looked up and gasped in surprise as I realized it was the same girl from Starbucks that morning.

Instead of waiting like last time, I dropped my stuff and started to chase her.

She quickly turned on her heel and bolted out the front door.

I had to push a few people out of the way, and there were several indignant exclamations.

Once I had reached the door, I started to sprint after her.

The dark haired girl weaved down the street in between traffic.

I ran after her too, unfortunately not as graceful as her as I nearly avoided getting flattened by an SUV.

I chased her for sometime, my shorter height making me more aerodynamic.

She was fast, but thankfully some of my speed from male me was passed over to female me.

I quickly caught up to her, and tackled her onto the grassy expanse in front of us.

She was breathing heavily, and so was I.

I flipped her over and pinned her wrists and legs down wrestler style.

I blew my curls out of my face, cursing myself for not tying it up this morning.

"Who are you, and what did you do to me?" I yelled.

She looked terrified, but I didn't care.

I was pissed and tired.

"Who are you?!" I repeated more forcefully this time.

"Ev-Evelyn!" She squeaked out timidly.

"What did you do to me Evelyn, and how do I fix it?" I spat.

"I-I-I," she stuttered.

I tightened my grip on her and she let out a squeal.

"Let me go and I'll tell you!" She pleaded.

I mulled it over in my brain, assessing the situation.

If she did try to run away, I could easily capture her again.

"Fine," I huffed, letting go of her.

She scrambled out of my grip, rubbing her wrists and glaring at me.

"Now talk," I said, standing up with my hands on my hips.

She took a deep breath and began.

"This is going to be...hard to believe. Please don't freak out! Well, you see um...I'm what they call an Enchantress. I basically mess around with all kinds of magic, trying out different spells. I over heard you and your friends talking about wishing to be the other gender, and I just so happened to have learned a gender swap spell that morning," she explained.

Evelyn paused to look at me, then continued.

"So, I took the chance and cast the spell on you and your friends. It may have worked a little too well I'm afraid, as we were transported to another dimension, and your friends do not realize they have switched genders. The entire universe has been switched around, making it as if you have been a girl your entire that hard to believe?" She said with a sigh.

I stood there stunned.

Magic? This bitch must be crazy.

"Uh, yeah, it kinda is. Magic doesn't exist! It's all made up. And how did you over hear us talking? Luke lives in a gated community! Holy've been stalking us!" I gasped, realizing that it had been Evelyn that made the noise when they were swimming that day.

"First of all, I wasn't stalking you, I was examining you, and second of all, it obviously does exist or otherwise you wouldn't have these," Evelyn said poking my boob.

I immediately snatched her hand and dug my perfectly manicured nails into her wrist.

"Do NOT touch my boob," I growled.

She gulped and nodded.

I let go and pressed for more.

"Why were you examining us? And why did you need to in the first place? And don't take everything I say so seriously, geez! If I had said I wanted to be a penis would you-" I ranted, but was interrupted by a hand clamping over my mouth.

Evelyn looked into my eyes, her deep blue orbs captivating me.

I started to relax, forgetting what I was doing at that second.

It was after a few seconds that I realized she was doing some sort of voodoo magic on me, something to calm me down.

"Stop that!" I said angrily as I slapped her hand away.

She looked down at the ground sheepishly.

"Answer my questions or I won't hesitate to call the police!" I threatened.

"Your questions will be answered all in good time, Ashton," she said solemnly.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"If you can't answer those, at least tell me this: how do I change back?" I asked.

The color suddenly flushed from Evelyn's face.

"Um, you don't," she said quietly.

My face started to heat up, and I swear you could see flames coming out of my eyes.

"What?!" I said tightly.

"Well uh," Evelyn mumbled, "I don't actually have the cure worked out per-say, but I do-"

She was cut off when I turned around and stormed off.

Much to my annoyance, she stood up and started to follow me.

"Where are you going?" She asked as she caught up to me.

"To find my friends. And to explain what a mess you have created," I replied, staring straight ahead.

"Ohh no, you mustn't tell them, it would throw many things off," she said very seriously.

I halted and whipped around, my curls almost smacking the shorter girl in the face.

"Why? Why can't I tell them? That is the LEAST I deserve after you put your phony spell on me and switched my entire damn life. Plus, you won't even explain this to me! And don't give me that hush hush bullshit, because I know that you are aware of EXACTLY what you have done. So back the fuck off, and let me fix my friends," I hissed.

I turned back around, flipped my long hair over my shoulder, and stormed away, leaving a stunned Evelyn in my tracks.


Ooo, sassy Ashy. So now Evelyn has been introduced, the creator of this fine new dimension that Ash is now involved in. All will be explained soon, don't worry.... ;)

Abby xx

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