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Ashton's P.O.V

I pulled my car into the parking lot of Ridgepark High School.

Myka stepped out of the car first, grabbing her book bag and lugging it over her shoulder.

She was now dressed with black ripped skinny jeans and a White Stripes muscle tee.

Her flaming hair (lmao June 13th) was in a messy bun on her head, making it obvious she didn't shower.

I smiled sadly as I remembered that boy Michael didn't give a shit about what he looked like.

I really missed my friends already.

I followed her into the school, thanking God that it hadn't changed.

I got a few friendly smiles and waves from some girls that I had never talked to.

There were also some winks and smirks from guys I knew, boys who were my mates when I was boy me, and that made me feel uncomfortable.

"Here," Myka said, ripping me out of my thoughts.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the bathroom.

It felt wrong to be in the girls bathroom.

Basically everything I have done today has felt wrong.

"What are you doing?" I asked her in confusion.

She pulled out a small red bag, which I noticed was full of tubes and compacts.

"More makeup?" I asked incredulously.

"No offense Ash, but you look terrible. I can't let my best friend walk around school like that," she replied as she pulled out some makeup wipes.

I frowned, feeling dejected. I think I had applied it very well.

After several minutes, my makeup was finished.

My foundation was even, my lipgloss inside the lines, and I was equipped with a cat eye eyeliner, matching Myka's.

"Thanks," I smiled gratefuly.

"No prob. Now let's go find Luci and Callie,"


I followed her through the bustling cafeteria, passing a table that contained a few of my mates, Niall, Louis, Liam, and Harry.

I raised my hand to wave at them, but Myka quickly pulled it back down.

"Are you crazy?" She hiss-
whispered. "You hate them!"

"Oh..." I said quietly.

This girl thing is disappointing.

I followed Myka over to a table containing two girls, one blonde and one brunette.

Their backs were to us, hunched over a phone watching some sort of video.

"Hey Luci, hey Callie," Myka greeted the girls.

I was about to introduce myself when they both turned around, and I gasped.

I recognized them immediately.

Luke and Calum.

Luke now had a slender body, with his same long legs, a short nose that turned upright a bit at the end, thin lips, bright blue eyes accompanied by long eyelashes, his lip ring (which was now pink), and long blonde hair that went all the way down to her/his bum.

Calum had big, chocolate brown eyes with shorter eyelashes, a stubby nose, round cheeks, full lips, a skinny, some-what muscular body, and dark brown hair that reached about the same length as mine.

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