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woah its an update what is this voodoo magic // PLEASE GO READ THE HALSEY SHORT STORY I POSTED CALLED BADLANDS LUB U // plz read notes at the end :)

Ashton's P.O.V

I yawned and stretched my arms above my head, careful not to hit my hands on my headboard.

I rolled over onto my side, away from the window, mentally praising God that it was Saturday.

I was about to fall back asleep again when...

"Ashton," a voice whispered.

I opened my eyes and was staring into another pair of bright blue ones partially covered by black bangs.

I screeched at the top of my lungs and shot out from under the covers.

Evelyn shot up too, clearly startled by my outburst.

I quickly stood up and realized I was just in my underwear and a t-shirt.

I grabbed the closest blanket to me and wrapped it around my waist.

"What the hell are you doing here?!?" I screeched in a shrill voice.

"I'm sorry, Ashton! I really am, I didn't mean to scare you-"

"Well shit bitch, you did! I almost died falling out of bed like that!" I retorted.

I was so glad my Mum wasn't home right now.

Evelyn rolled over the bed to the side I was standing on.

"Don't come near me!" I squeaked, grabbing my drumstick as a weapon.

"Please, just listen to me!" Evelyn pleaded.

I waved the wooden tool at her in warning, and she got the memo.

She backed away to the other side of the room.

"Now" I started, "I'm going to put pants on, and...and you're going to look away..." I warned.

Evelyn gulped and nodded, not daring to contradict me.

I sidestepped to my dresser and pulled out some jean shorts.

I put them on and notified Evelyn she could look.

"Now," I said, crossing my arms, "what are you doing in my house?"

Evelyn swallowed nervously and messed with the hem of her dress.


She pushed her bangs out of her face and continued.

"I told you not to tell anyone. I was supposed to deal with this. The Enchanter is pissed that you told Myka! He's about to have my ass if I don't fix this," she huffed.

I stood still for a bit, then uncrossed my arms.

I sighed and rubbed my temples. My head still hurt from hitting it on the ground.

"Well you see, Evelyn, I am my own person and I make my own choices. I'm sorry I messed up your little 'voodoo magic' stuff but...this is a huge ass deal to not tell my friends," I admitted honestly.

Evelyn continued to stare at me until she shook her head.

"It's not that easy Ashton," she said as she sat down criss-cross on my bed.

"There's so much other stuff that goes into it. You wouldn't understand because you don't deal with charms and potions but trust me, I almost blew up a city trying to make your gender swap charm,"

I squinted disbelievingly, but followed suit by sitting across from her on the bed.

"So explain it to me then. I have time. It is 6:03 am on a Sunday, anyway," I said with a hint of annoyance.

Evelyn grinned sheepishly but started to speak.

"So, an Enchantress: what is it? Well, one thing an Enchantress is not is a witch. Witches use bad magic and hexes. We use charms, most of the time harmless, but sometimes...they can be a bit strong," she chuckled nervously.

"So, my story: I was born here in California. Don't know what city, don't know when, don't know to who. I was abandoned by my parents when I exhibited 'unique powers'...or atleast thats what my foster mom told me,"

Evelyn paused to take a breath.

"I grew up not knowing what I was, who I sucked. I never had many friends, and the one friend I did have was forced to hang out with my by her mother,"

She was silent.

"Do you know what it's like growing up knowing you're different but you can't do a thing about it? It's awful. That's why I ran away from my foster mom and found a group of other Enchanters. They taught me how to do what I was born for. They made me feel like I belonged..."

Silence again, this one a sad quiet.

Evelyn continued.

"When I heard you and your friends talking that one day, I was intrigued. I just wanted to finally do something good and I thought by having you change genders temporarily, it would grant your wish and I would finally have made my mentor proud. But...I guess I just screwed up everything didn't I?"

She smiled sadly as tears started to drip from her eyes.

I sat with wide eyes and stared at her crying form. I was never good with these type of things.

"Uhhh..." I said hesitantly.

"'s gonna be...okay...?" I said as I patted her back.

She sat up and sniffed loudly.

"Sorry for dropping that sadness bomb on you Ashton, I just wanted to come clean,"

Instead of criticizing her like I normally would, I just smiled.

"It's all right," I said and hugged her.

After we hugged, Evelyn stood up and adjusted her clothing.

"Now," she started, "let's go change you back!"

I smiled and pulled some actual clothes.

We were almost out the door when-

"Ash! You in there? Did you forget our shopping date at Primark?" a girl voice shouted through the door.


"Shit," I mumbled.

"No, no of course I didn't forget our date!" I shouted back.

I could mentally hear her shaking her head.

"Ev, I'm really sorry but I-"

But she was gone. She had disappeared into thin air.

The door was flung open and Luci stood there, her long blonde hair flowing down her back, her crop top set matching perfectly with her Converse, and a new light blue lip ring.

"Let's go!" She insisted, "Louis Tomlinson and his friends are going to be there and I need to get some pants that make my ass look good!"

I rolled my eyes but she only batted her eyelashes innocently.

I quickly checked my hair, decided against makeup, and was out the door, arm and arm with my best friend.


ok but yeah idk what the fuck thats was im sorry y'all its like midnight

sorry for droppin the serious bomb on u lmaooo but now you know a bit more about evelyn :))


anyways next chapter ash finally discovers what being a lady is like....*hint hint*

once again, PLEASE go give BADLANDS a read because I worked really hard on it !!!

and i have decided that this story will have 20 chapters (including prologue) so next chapter we will be officially halfway through the book !!!

love yaaaaaaz

abby xoxo

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