Secret Lovebirds・❥・

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Graham POV

i wake up with a smile on my face and stretch. i still remember what happened last night, violet showed up for me. she actually came just for me. i had been waiting for her and speaking of violet, she isn't next to me?

i put on my glasses and start my search for violet. light sunbeams are glossing over the white tiles, god i think i woke up early today and i can guess what time it is for once.

i spot violet doing something, i rub my eyes and realise she making breakfast. i just walk up to her and hug her from behind to surprise her. i close my eyes and cherish this moment.

after a short pause she asks, "aren't you going to ask what i'm making?"

"doesn't matter- anything you make is going to taste amazing!" i reply.


out of curiosity i do open my eyes to catch a peek at what violet is making and it's eggs!

"you are erm- making eggs! my fridge had eggs-? " i don't know whether i am making a statement or asking a question.

she chuckles, "no you didn't. i went out bought a few things from the shops, i also went back to my flat to grab a few things and brought them here. is that okay? " she looks at me.

"of course it is! "

"god, you're amazing v! " i add on and deepen the hug.

then my eyes land back on the dish she is making, "i will help you make breakfast! you don't have to do this alone! in fact- it's my flat you are the guest- i should be making everything! " i say and make my way to the fridge.

"graham! no! " she protests when i open the fridge door.

i grab myself a bottle of alcohol.

"graham." she says firmly with a disappointing look on her face.

"just a few sips." i say and guzzle down as much as i can without getting told off by violet.

she rolls her eyes.

"-i'll make tea for the both of us!" i state and begin the prep. 

the room gets filled with silence until i break it with this,  "v- this has been crazy so far! i- i- can't believe you have to see me like this! " i look down at myself and avoid eye contact. 

"i am not like this- i am not usually suffering and being an ugly mess. " i fix up my hair unknowingly. i think alcohol at 9 in the morning is making me a bit too honest and sad.

"oh darling don't worry, you look sexy when you suffer. " she says in a playful tone while pulling an exaggerated expression, it makes me chuckle out loud.

"no you're right! i- look sexy doing everything! whether that's vomiting into the toilet at 3 in the morning or making tea!" i reciprocate the same energy but violet has a line of worry on her forehead.

she flips over the omlette and lays it down on a plate. 

"you need some sort of help, gra. i don't know what type of help or actually i don't know much about this but you certainly need help." she says in a sincere tone.

"why- does everyone think i need help! i am a competent adult for god's sake!" i reply as she sets down the plates on the table. the tea is almost done too. 

"why does everyone think i am this sensitive little baby that yearns for help!" i continue talking while pouring the tea into two matching cups because i think they are cute especially for me and violet to drink out of.

You & I・❥・(Graham Coxon)Where stories live. Discover now