Dinner Together・❥・

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Violet POV

i ring the doorbell to his flat and he opens up almost immediately. fair enough, he ws probably expecting me. i check him out, he has an apron on and a welcoming smile on his face. that's cute.

"v, come in!" he invites me in. i step into the flat which has a familiar scent to it, it almost smells like him. i like that.

he takes me to the table and pulls the chair me. i thank him and sit down.

"so what would you like to order today, ma'am?" he does an impression of a waiter. this is definately a dig at what i said yesterday.

"i'd like a tiramisu cupcake." i say something specific delibrately.

this puts graham at a loss of words, he ruffles thru his hair nervously, "erm- i'm afraid we only have pasta today!"

i gasp dramatically, "why'd you ask if you only have one dish!?! "

he starts to set up the plate and serves dinner for the both of us, "i don't know-"

"cute." i say under my breath which makes graham shoot me a smile.

he sits down and we eat. i take ny first bite of the food and it actually tastes amazing. the expression on my face lets him know that i like it.

"do you like it? " he asks, knowing the answer is yes.

"no." i reply instead.

he puts his hand on his heart and pouts like a disappointed toddler.

"of course i like it! " i take another bite.

"so i'm a better cook than that half boyfriend of yours-" he continues to eat as well.

"you can't prove that because he has never cooked for me. " i say.

graham has a bitter look on his face, "that's stupid, i wouldn't be like that!" there is a hint of jealousy in his words.

i place my hand on his, "you said you were okay with him. "

"v-" he trails off.

"look i'm an actress, i've got a half sort of boyfriend who has never cooked for me! i have a lot of shit going on in my life, and I wouldn't be able to focus on you if we were together, darling. " i give his hand a gentle squeeze.

hearing that makes him chuckle slightly.

"ok there's a lot of struggle in your life- i'll leave you alone to it, haha. "


i stand at his balcony with my arms resting comfortable on the railing. he enters with two glasses of wine in one hand each, he gives one to me and saves the other for himself.

"cheers." the glasses clink and we proceed to drink.

his flat is quite high up, it's on the fourth floor. people down on the road look like little ants, i stare at the traffic rushing past the traffic signals. it's weirdly calming.

he pulls out a cigarette and ignites it with his lighter and after whiffing up the smoke once, he offers me it. i inhale the toxin particles in and exhale them back out while he is still holding the cigarette. this adds a balance of bitterness to the sweet taste of wine.

it feels like there are things on his mind that he can't get himself to say. though, he seems happy being next to me. i feel happy too.

i've known graham for 2 days but i feel like i've known him for 2 years.

he offers me a smoke once again. i turn to him, "i have to go now. "

he nods with a defeated smile on his face as i walk away, he follows me to the door.

You & I・❥・(Graham Coxon)Where stories live. Discover now