Chapter 1

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"Blair!" Casey yelled as Blair and Tatum were walking towards the school. Both the girls frowned and looked back to see Casey Baker running towards them.

"Oh god what does she want now?" Tatum whispered to Blair, putting a hand on her arm. Blair shrugged and looked back towards her former best friend. Tatum shot Blair a sympathetic smile and started to walk into school to give the other two girls privacy.

Casey stood infront of Blair, smiling. Casey waited for a few seconds, thinking Blair was going to break the silence but she didn't. "I wanted to ask you something" she smiled. Blair nodded, waiting impatiently. "Well I was thinking if you wanted to hang out with me and Ste-" Casey started.

Blair rolled her eyes before putting a hand on Casey's shoulder which brought her talk to a holt. "Look Casey I don't want to hang out with you especially not with Steve. Besides my brother wouldn't be too happy if I started hanging around you again, god if Tatum mentions anything to him he'll have a word with you himself" Blair stated. Casey scoffed, slightly offened at being cut off but also because Blair just assumed it was all about Steve, even though it was.

It was common knowledge Billy wasn't a fan of Steve and because he was with Casey it meant he didn't like her that much either. Billy believed any girl who dated Steve had no self respect or just wasn't a very nice person to be around. Stu and Tatum already hated Casey as it was because she was Stu's ex so that was 3 of her loved ones against her.

"Billy doesn't have to know you're with me and Steve. C'mon Loomis you used to be so fun before you started hanging out with Sidney and Tatum. You especially became less fun after Stu broke up with you for Tatum. Honestly I'm suprised you're still friends with her" Casey almost scoffed again, annoyed with her former best friend. Casey hated how Blair chose Tatum over her when she literally stole her boyfriend.

Before Blair had the chance to punch her or mess her pretty face up the bell rang meaning class had begun. "Thanks for the invite Baker but no thanks." Blair almost laughed from how ridiculous this was before walking to her first class, Science with Randy. Casey's eyes turned a little glassy, she hated how cold Blair had become to her over the last year and just couldn't believe it.


Randy watched as Blair's leg bounced up and down. He'd had an eye on her for ages but due to Stu he never had the chance to ask her out. Sure he liked Sidney but Sid was with a hot hunk so no chance there however, Blair has been single for almost 6 months so there is a change.

Randy handed Blair a folded piece of paper. Blair raised an eyebrow at him before he motioned for her to open it and she did.

'Wanna watch a movie with me tonight?' Was all the note said. Randy stared at her, nervous about what she was joining to say.

Blair flashed Randy her sweet, innocent smile before nodding and returning back to the work they had been set. Randy loved that smile, he always had. Blair's smile was everyone's favourite part of getting a joke because her smile and laugh could always light up a room. You could tell when it was fake because the room would be dull and awkward even.

Soon enough the class ended and the two walked out their class, walking side by side. "So what are we watching?" Blair asked, looking up at Randy who just happened to have been looking at how her hair framed her face perfectly.

"I was thinking Carrie" Randy smirked knowing Blair loved Carrie and horror movies all together. Blair nodded and carried on walking with Randy, talking about their plans for tonight.

A/n: I hope ya'll actually enjoy this story and I promise I will actually try updating it when I can.

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