Chapter 11

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Blair put her hair up whilst Billy picked some of her clothes off her floor. "Thanks Billy" she smiled sweetly at her brother, genuinely thankful. Billy nodded before picking up the movie Randy left on Blair's night stand before he left the night prior. "Why are you not in your pj's? You do realise this is a sleepover right?" Blair asked, turning back to her brother who was still dressed in his typical clothes.

"I might not join, Sidney is still mad" He sighed, he almost got caught and was annoyed that it was Sidney who almost got him caught. Blair tensed, touching the bandage on her arm. "You know I wouldn't hurt you right Beth?" Billy's eyebrows furrowed. He was the one that slashed her arm the night before but he didn't mean to. He didn't even know she was at Sidney's, if he knew he would have waited until she left and then attacked.

Blair just nodded and took off the ring she stole off Billy. "Is that my ring?" Billy raised an eyebrow. She was hoping he wouldn't see.

"Ye. I know you get annoyed when I play with your rings so I thought I'd just take one while you were a supect" she shrugged. Billy smiled a little, he's always been his sister's safe space and he feels awful for what him and Stu are going to put her through tomorrow night. Billy was slightly taken aback when she said she thought he was annoyed because it was the opposite. He felt happy when his sister grabbed his hand to play with his rings because it meant she trusted him and felt safe around him.

Billy forgot Blair is his younger sister sometimes. They often get called twins, which just sits right with both of them, so they never correct anyone. That is because Blair and Billy have been in the same grade for the past decade even though Blair is 2 ½ years younger than him. Billy was suprised she hasn't figured him out yet simply because of her smarts as well as mixed with her boyfriend's geekness (is that even a word?).

"I'm guessing the talk with Sidney didn't go well?" She asked. Billy shook his head, annoyed that the plan might not go as smoothly as originally planned. "She'll around eventually, you just have to give her some time" Blair reassured. Time...something Billy didn't have.

Billy looked at his sister. "Thanks Blair, I don't know what I'd do without you" he smiled, being serious. He frowned a little when he saw a picture of the whole family together on her night stand- something he'd never noticed before. Suddenly he felt guilty. Blair didn't know why their mother left because she was far too young when it happened for their dad to be able to explain. Billy knows how much Blair missed thier mom but it also meant she'd probably be happy when she found out what he and Stuart did. "When are they arriving?" He asked, finally looking up at Blair one last time.

Blair checked the time, "Randy will he here in 5 minutes to help me set up so they should be here in 15" Blair responded. Billy nodded, not knowing if he should lock himself in his room or leave the house all together. He knew Ghostface shanaings were off the table for tonight because he and Stu wanted to make sure Blair wouldn't get hurt again or get freaked out in her own home. "I should probably go put out some snacks and grab the beers" Blair sighed.

Billy stopped her before she made it out her door, making her raise an eyebrow at him. "I'll set everything up until Randy gets here, you just carry on getting ready" Billy suggested. Blair smiled sweetly at her brother, nodding and walking back to her mirror. Billy smiled to himself before making his way downstairs.

A/n: This is shorter than the others but that's because I want to make the group movie night as detailed as possible so I wanted to make it it's own chapter.

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