Chapter 17

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Blair and Sidney were now back inside the house, having the dilemma of their lives. They had just watched Kenny get butchered and Dewey stabbed in the back, not a very pretty sight. Now they had to pick if they were believing Stu or Randy.

Blair was hoping Sidney would make the ultimate decision, not wanting to get involved too much in Stu's or Randy's demise. "FUCK YOU!" Sidney yelled, slamming the door in both their faces.

"Well that's that issue solved" Blair muttered under her breath, running a hand through her hair which had come undone during the chase in the van. Blair's breathing was unsteady and she couldn't bare this. Sidney looked at her in sympathy. Sidney understood that Blair was scared after all she is only 15 while the rest are 17.

The two girls screamed when Billy rolled down the stairs. Sidney attended to his side while Blair backed up a little bit. "Oh my god Billy I thought you were dead" Sidney's eyes were wide but happy. Billy looked at his sister, knowing his plan is even more messed up now but there isn't any going back now. "Stu and Randy are outside...we didn't know who to let in" Sidney sighed, relieved. Blair took notice in the clearly fake blood on Billy. Any horror fan would know its fake but Blair decided to simply back against a wall, starting to panic slowly whilst sliding down the wall.

Billy noticed the gun in Sidney's hand. "I'll figure it out, give me the gun Sid" Billy stated, holding onto his side where his 'wound' is. Blair wanted to protest, say something to Sidney about the fake blood, but she didn't know the reason behind any of this and didn't want to get her brother in trouble. "Give me the gun" he urged when Sidney stayed put, eyeing Blair from the corner of her eye. Sidney nodded, handing Billy the gun. Blair knew it was over. They were two dead girls now.

Billy opened the door and Randy ran in, panicked. Blair's eyebrows furrowed together when she saw how sober he suddenly looked. "Stu has gone mad! He tried to butcher me alive!" Randy yelled. Billy had a smirk on his face but not the sweet, innocent smirk his sister knew. Instead it was one full of evil.

Billy suddenly looked up. "We all go a little mad sometimes" he aimed the gun at Randy and shot him in the shoulder. Sidney screamed whilst Blair just stared, not knowing how to react. She stood up. She figured that if she's going to die she'd atleast put up a good fight first. "Anothy Perkins, Psycho" Billy said, pointing the gun at Sidney now.

Sidney ran, grabbing Blair's hand in the process. The two ran straight into someone. Blair looked up and saw Stu. "Stu! Billy has gone mad! He's the killer! You've got to help us" Sidney shook him while sobbing. Blair simply looked back at Randy, feeling guilty all the sudden.

Blair only turned towards Stu when she heard him speak. "Suprise Sidney" Stu smirked into the voice changer.

This after party was not going well for most people involved.

A/n: the next chapter is going to be a flashback/ A cute memory of Billy, Stu and Blair because then the ending will sting more.

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