Chapter 8

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Sidney opened her door and welcomed Blair inside. "Sup Sid" Blair smiled, holding up the bag she brought with her. Sidney smiled and closed the door behind Blair, following her to the kitchen. "I got you a shit ton of sweet treats and some soda" Blair grinned at Sidney who just looked through the bag and went a little wide eyed at the amount of food and soda there was.

She pulled a smaller bag out and looked at Blair, who was starting to put some of the stuff in Sidney's cupboards. "Whats in here?" She asked, not wanting to open it in case it's private.

Blair looked back at her, smiling a little. "Stu is planning to have a party as soon as they catch this killer so I thought I'd think in advance" she stated. Sidney still confused. "I got some dresses to try on so you could help me pick one. I'd ask Tatum but she's busy with stuart" she added whilst rolling her eyes.

"Why do you call Stu by his full name? Surely you don't hate him that much" Sidney joked. Blair frowned and looked down as she did indeed not hate him but was instead hurt. "Sorry for mentioning it Blair" Sidney apologised. Blair just nodded and went back to putting the things away. Sidney felt bad but decided to keep quiet and join her, not wanting to disturb her too much.

"I just don't get why he had to go for Tatum" Blair mumbled out. Sidney's head snapped towards her, not being sure if she heard it right. Blair was well known for her inability to open up to anyone besides her brother and it was the reason him and Stu fell out for about a month before Blair helped smooth it out.

Sidney frowned, understanding what Blair meant. "You guys dated for 3 years and all the sudden he breaks up with you and 2 days later dates Tatum. I'm not going to lie to you thats weird. If it wasn't Tatum we were talking about I would say they were hooking up whilst you two were dating" Sidney chuckled at the ridiculous accusation.

Blair was fighting back tears, all the hurt she felt all those months ago coming back. "I actually considered that until 2 months was my main theory" Blair shrugged, still not looking at Sidney incase she broke down like she did with Billy the night after Casey died.

Sidney pulled Blair into a hug and they stayed like that for about 5 minutes before the phone rang. "I'll get that" Sidney stated, letting go and picking up the phone that wasn't too far away. "Hello?" She answered. Blair stood close to Sideny, but only close enough so she could hear the phone without being heard.

"Hello Sidney" the voice on the other side of the phone said. The voice was deep and raspy, the two girls almost saw it as sexy. Sidney looked at Blair, who just shrugged.

"What do you want?" Sidney asked. Blair thought her tone was rude but thought this was a prank call so didn't mention anything. The voice on the other end was silent for a few seconds. Blair could have sworn she heard a noise upstairs but didn't say anything.

"I wanna see what your insides look like!!" The voice yelled. Sidney immediately put the phone down and turned to a shocked Blair. Before the two could speak they heard a loud bang upstairs and they separated.

Sidney was running whilst Blair went to look for something to defend them with. As Blair picked something up she heard Sidney rushing towards her so she hit behind a wall.

As soon as Sidney ran past Blair, a little bloody, she heard footsteps and stepped out. She slammed a vase over the attacker's head, her arm getting caught in the knife during the process. "FUCK!" She yelled, grabbing her arm where it got slashed whilst she hissed in pain.

Blair ran after Sidney, who ran back upstairs. "GOD SID WHAT TYPE OF WORKOUT ARE YOU FUCKING DOING?" She yelled as she was already out of breath as she followed Sidney to her room. Sidney was teary eyed as she messaged 911 whilst Blair searched Sidney's room for a sign of a bandage or something to cover the massive gash on her arm.

She found a bandage and got Sidney to help her quickly wrap it around to stop further bleeding. The two screamed when a knife blade came through the door. Then there was silence.

The two screamed again a minute later when someone started to climb through the window.

Billy Loomis.

Billy stared at the two. His head hurt thanks to his sister hitting him on the head but he was proud she knew how to protect herself. He however was not proud of himself for hurting her which he could see clearly now.

Sidney hugged him whilst Blair tried to calm her breathing which picked up again after something dropped from Billy's pocket. A cellphone and a mask. THE MASK.

Blair's eyes finally filled with tears for the first time as she stared at her brother. Billy knew he was fucked and he knew that his close relationships are now fucked.

Not a great day to be William 'Billy' Loomis.

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