Chapter 7

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Blair was now sitting infront of the sheriff and principle, staring between the two awkwardly. "Okay Bethany, we have a few questions for y-" the sheriff started.

"Blair. Call me Blair please" Blair smiled, cutting the sheriff off. He simply nodded before writing it down so he wouldn't forget and accidentally offend her.

"Okay Blair. We have a few questions for you. First of all, did you know Casey and Steve?" He asked, looking at Blair.

Blair started playing with the ring she stole of Billy that morning. "Yes. I've known Casey since I was little, her mom looked after me and Billy a lot. Steve on the other hand I'd only met a few times because he was round at Casey's at the same time as me but we never talked" Blair explained.

He wrote that down, looking back at Blair as the principle stayed silent. "Apparently the morning of her murder you guys had a little disagreement, can you explain what that was about?" He asked.

The girl sighed. "She asked if I wanted to hang out with her but I didn't want to because I knew Steve would make an appearance and I don't like him much. Honestly no one liked Steve, he was a dickhead jock" Blair shrugged. The two men looked at each other, all little suprised.

"Where were you at 10 pm last night?" The sheriff finally asked.

"I left Randy's at 9:50" she thought outloud, mumbling it while she was doing the calculation in her head. The sheriff furrowed his eyebrows. "At 10 pm I would have been home. I was looking for Billy because he snuck out to see Sidney but didn't tell anyone. I went straight to bed because I was tired after looking for about 5 minutes" she explained.

The men both nodded and Blair was dismissed. "Thank you Miss Loomis!" The sheriff yelled as Blair made her way out the office. She saw Dewey and smiled, the guy was like an older brother to her.

"Hey Deputy Dewey" she smiled, standing next to Dewey. Dewey smiled, happy someone finally used his proper title and got it right.

"Hello Bethany" he smiled. Dewey was the only one who get away with calling her Bethany except her father because she was didn't mind. Dewey was honoured when he found out because he knew Billy wasn't even allowed to call her by her legal name.

"I think I'm a suspect" Blair frowned, very aware of how her questioning sounded. Dewey gave her a gentle smile, putting a hand on her shoulder, nodding. Blair laughed to herself a little bit. "I should find the others and tell them that I'm probably going to be put on a watch list" Blair joked and Dewey did not find that funny as an office of the law. "Right, sorry Deputy" she smiled and waved him goodbye, him returning it.


Blair sat next to Randy at the fountain and they shared a quick peck which earned them a grape in the face from a booing Stu and Sidney. "Bitches" Randy mumbled making Blair laugh. Sidney laughed too whilst Stu frowned because things just weren't going his way. "How'd it go?" Randy asked, pressing a kiss to her cheek which only got him a death glare from Billy.

"I might be the prime suspect now because of my honest answers" she said, unbothered whilst sneakily stealing a handful of grapes from Stu. Stu frowned, throwing a grape at her which she caught. "Thanks Stuart" she smiled, eating the grape which caused Stu's mouth to become agape.

Everyone laughed besides Stu who wanted to keep up the act of being hurt even though he wasn't because this is the most attention she's given him in months and he was loving it. Randy started to become a little annoyed when Stu started actually sharing his grapes with her after a few minutes because the last time they shared them they were a hot couple that could do no wrong.

The conversation topic today was the horror movie they were going to watch at the group horror movie night. "I say Friday the 13th!" Stu smirked. Billy shot him a glare which Blair caught, confusing her.

"A nightmare on elm street" Tatum suggested. Everyone groaned as Tatum always made them watch it whenever she got to pick a movie. "Its a good movie!" She yelled, looking around to see the whole group staring at her a little annoyed. "Fine, be assholes" she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. Stu pressed a kiss to Tatum's lips in order to cheer her up which got them a bunch of boos from Billy and Sidney whilst Blair and Randy just stayed quiet.

Blair thought about it for a minute. "The shinning?" She suggested after a minute of silence. Everyone thought about it before nodding since none of them have seen it since it first came out thanks to Randy dragging them all to the cinemas. "Okay so it's settled, we are watching the shinning tomorrow evening" Blair smiled, leaning into Randy.

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