Chapter 13

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Blair opened the door, greeting Randy. "Hey Babe" she smiled before kissing him lightly. Billy cleared his throat. "Sorry Billy" she blushed, embarrassed. Billy simply nodded and made his way back to his room, not wanting to be involved.

"Where's he off?" Randy asked, following Blair to the kitchen where the empty bowls were. Randy started pouring sweets into the bowls whilst Blair did the chips.

"Hes not coming. Sidney is still scared of him so he thinks he should stay away for a bit" Blair answered, throwing away the garbage. Randy nodded, he didn't want to tell Blair but he believes Billy did it even if he was proven innocent.

Randy brought all the bowls of food out to the table in the living room whilst Blair got the beers and put them on the table next to juice just in case anyone drove.  Randy quickly pulled Blair into a kiss which she returned as soon as possible. "You're a good kisser Randal" she breathed, patting his chest.

"Hey! Don't call me Randal!" He pouted, wrapping his arms around Blair's waist. She laughed before pressing a kiss to his cheek whilst putting a hand on his cheek.

Everyone was sat on the couch, talking whilst Blair was putting the movie on. Stu, Tatum and Sidney were on the big couch infront of the TV whilst Randy was sat on a smaller one where Blair would join him when she figured out how to work the TV. "You've moved up a grade yet you don't know how to work a tv" Stu teased. Blair shot him glare. A glare he frowned at since she never used to be mean to him before he shut her out, for her own good and safety.

Tatum smacked his chest, glaring at him too but Stu was way more threatened by that. Unlike Blair Tatum actually scared him a little bit but if he knew the truth he wouldn't think the same way. "Sorry Blair" he apologised and Blair simply gave him a thumbs up.

Blair struggled for a few more minutes before Randy got up, stood behind her. She could feel his breath on her neck as he reached from behind her, grabbing the remote. He sorted the movie in under 2 minutes, 5 minutes less time than Blair. "Thanks babe" she smiled, sitting next to him whilst smiling.

Soon the movie came on and Blair gave out some blankets. The two couples had one each whilst Sidney had one to herself. Blair made herself comfortable by placing her legs over Randy's lap, not noticing Stu's deadly gaze. Stu had gritted teeth, dark eyes and a jealous expression. He hated whenever other people touched Blair but he hated it more when she initiated it especially with the geek. It should be Stu in that position not Randy fucking Meeks.

Sidney, Blair and Randy were genuinely interested in the movie, watching it intensly. Tatum was focused on getting Stu's full attention since they'd been arguing recently over so many little stuff. Billy however was in his room, planning the next murder. Knew exactly who he wanted gone before the party tomorrow even began: the principle. That mother fucked made his precious sister uncomfortable and was just in the way of things and he couldn't have either.

Everyone was eating snacks and drinking whilst watching the movie although small conversations developed to keep people awake for a bit longer due to it only being 7:28 pm. Randy and Sidney were conversing on a project they were doing. Tatum and Stu were talking about the party and what they had planned whilst Blair just watched the movie, keeping herself close to Randy.

It was 1 am and they had watched 3 movies already so everyone was tired. "Tatum and Stu can sleep on the big mattress, Randy with me and Sidney on the mattress near my bed" Blair stated. She wanted to keep Sidney close because she didn't want her to he attacked again. They all nodded before saying their goodnight and going to their separate beds.

Everything was going according to plan...but to who's?

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