Chapter 3

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Randy and Blair were stood outside the Meeks residence, Randy looking for the key to the front door. "You know Randy, we can always watch Carrie at my house" Blair smiled. Randy smiled at her, holding up the key he finally found, unlocking the door straight after.

The two walked in and made their way into the kitchen whilst Randy complained about his parents always leaving the house key in placed he would least expect it. Blair just laughed as she pulled a box of popcorn and put it in a pan, turning the heat on. "Like why do they put INSIDE the plant soil?" Randy's hands waved up causing Blair to laugh even more.

The two sat on Randy's couch, popcorn on the table and Blair pressing play on Carrie. Blair's head turned towards Randy who was watching the start of the movie. Blair smiled to herself, admiring Randy's features. Sure she dated Stu but its about time she got over his sorry ass and started dating again. "So why'd you invite me for a movie? You usually just ask while we're walking home" she asked, looking back at the screen so Randy wouldn't see the tint of blush on her cheeks.

Randy looked at her. "Well because you're my friend and I wanted to talk to you" he shrugged, trying to act cool even though Blair wasn't looking. Blair smiled and carried on watching the movie, laying her head on Randy's shoulder around half way through because she was starting to get tired. Randy just smirked and kept a smug face through out the whole movie.


"So what did you want to ask?" Blair asked, grabbing her coat and school bad whilst not really paying much attention to Randy.

Randy had forgotten he was supposed to ask her out and frowned a little. "Right" he mumbled out, putting his hands in his pockets. "Well I really like you and I wanted to see if you'd be my girlfriend and maybe go out on a proper date" Randy smiled sweetly at the girl infront of him. Blair froze half way through and was now staring at Randy, who seemed a little uncomfortable.

"Randy I like you too and of course I'll be your girlfriend" Blair smiled. Randy smiled and picked her up, spinning her in the process. "Randy put me down!" Blair laughed whilst Randy kept spinning. Randy eventually put her down and placed a kiss on her cheek. Blair returned the gesture and made her way out the house, smiling.

The second Blair walked out the house she felt two pairs of eyes on her. She looked around and turned back around to say her goodbyes to Randy, kissing his cheek again.

Stu and Billy almost gasped in suprise when they saw this unfold, they couldn't believe it. Blair was getting it with the geek. Sure, Billy was proud his sister had game but he'd rather have her wait for Stu, who was glaring daggers at Randy right now. The two followed Blair home, making sure she's safe, before Stu left to do his side of the plan and Billy went to Sidney.

She walked through her front door. "BILLY I'M HOME!" She yelled, placing her coat and bag down. There was no response. "Wierd..." she mumbled, shrugging after.


It was midnight and Billy still wasn't home and Blair felt uneasy, laying in her bed. She couldn't sleep after what happened last year with Sidney's mother, not alone in a big house atleast.

Her mind brought her to Stuart Macher. She couldn't believe he dumped her then got with Tatum a few days later. At first she felt like it was hard for him cause of how upset and distraught he looked but then he talked with her brother and BOOM no more sad and new girlfriend ontop of his emergency contact.

Well Blair didn't actually now if he actually did have Tatum at top of his emergency contact but he replaced her in their relationship so he might have replaced her all together. Blair shook her head not wanting to think about her dickhead ex boyfriend especially not when she only just started dating Randy. She loved how nerdy Randy was and how easily they got along. They were just perfect together.

Then she heard a window slam shut so she jumped off her bed. She grabbed the bat under her bed and immediately rushed to where the sound came from. She held her bat tight and only put it lower when she saw her brother with his hands up, infront of a now closed window. "Billy what the fuck" she asked, placing the bat down and adjusting her eyes to the light of the room.

Billy looked shocked and was starting to regret buying her that bat whilst he always sneaks in through the window. "Sorry I was with Sidney, I was gonna use the door but I didn't want to wake you. Guess I failed badly on that one" he tried joking but Blair stared at him, bat laying infront of her. Billy just ushered her back to bed leaving her unaware of his plans.

A/n: I tried making this longer and I'm also just sat outside the Law building in my college because I have law next 😀👍🏻

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