Wedding Rings

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"You lost the rings!" I yelled.

I was already sweating with nerves and now Haymitch had thrown this onto me! Great just great, the more important day of my life (so far) and some of the most important things are lost. I seriously held back an uppercut.

"Not lost, just horribly misplaced," Haymitch replied.

"I'm getting married in less than twenty minutes!" I shouted.

Haymitch remained to look unfazed and a little too calm for my liking, as he leaned on a chest of draws, looking rather relaxed.

"Hey, you were the one that trusted me as your ring bearer! This is on you Odair," he smirked.

"Have you been drinking Haymitch?" I asked.

"No," he replied, "why would I drink when I can get free alcohol at your wedding."

"There won't be a wedding without the rings!" I grunted.

"But where will all the leftover champagne go?" Haymitch said his voice quivering like he were a five year old having a lolly pop take away from him.

"I'm going to kill you," I said, my tone far harsher than intended, but could you blame me? I was stressed.

"Woah, woah, what's with the killing!" Peeta said walking in.

"There's no actual killing," Haymitch said.

"Not yet," I snapped.

"Hey! At least let me have a last drink before I die," he said, reaching for a glass.

"I think I'll pass!" I replied.

"Guys let's calm down. This is a wedding, no killing," Peeta said.

"Killing! Oh I'm in!" Johanna smirked in the doorway, "who's first?"

"No-" he sighed

"Aren't you meant to be helping Flaire," I asked her.

"Ouch, trying to keep me away are you?" she grinned.

"No I just wonder-"

"Don't take me so seriously Finn," she said, "you are so tense today. It's wedding you're meant to have fun or something."

"I can have fun after this problem is resolved," I huffed, staring at Haymitch.

"We all know Haymitch is a big issue but you could've made it less obvious, looking right at him probably made him really sad," Johanna said, a joking undertone in her words.

"No it's not that," I shook my head, "anyway what's wrong with Flaire? Why are you here?"

"I was helping Flaire, but she keeps getting stressed about you. She insisted I come and check up on her dashing husband to be but now you mentioned killing I might not return," she grinned.

"There is no killing!" Peeta yelled.

"Uh! You ruin all the fun Peeta," she rolled her eyes.

"I do not-"

"There's no wedding rings!" I suddenly shouted.

One beat of silence. Two beats of silence. Three bea-

"What?" Peeta whispered.

"He lost them," I snapped, pointing to Haymitch.

"Missplaced is the preferable word, I already said this," he replied, his arms in the air.

The silence was defending until Johanna threw her head back and laughed.

"Oh man you are so dead," she sniggered.

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