Lumberjack To My Rescue

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My memory of that night was like one of those flashback scenes you get in movies. There was lots of screaming and shouting, too many tears to count and lots of destroying of random household items. I also got drunk. Really drunk. I don't even remember blacking out...

"Geez you look so bad," a familiar voice said.

My head pounded as I tried to open my eyes. My back was pressed against the cold hard floor and I'm pretty sure I only had one shoe on.

"How you doing sleeping beauty?" the voice smirked.

"Johanna?" I questioned.

"Where's Flaire?"

The question hit me like a train.

"She's gone Jo," I began to sob, "I lost her."

Johanna dropped down to the floor and grabbed my arms, "what happened?"

"They took her," I managed to stay as my head pounded on.

"Who Finnick? Who took her?"

I opened my mouth to reply but slumped back into darkness.

"Finnick," said a desperate voice, "you're gonna have to help me to help you."

I squinted awake, "Wha-"

"Just stop talking for a bit and try to stand up so I get you off of the floor," she said.

In a daze I managed to push myself off of the floor, using Johanna as support. She sat me on the sofa and handed me a glass of water.

"How many bottle did you drink last night? You're giving Haymitch a run for his money," she scoffed.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Nice to see you too," she rolled her eyes, shoving some tablets into my hand, "take these for your head."

And so I did. I shut up and didn't think for a minute, praying the pain relief would kick in. Then I realised it wouldn't actual relive any of my pain, because Flaire was gone. I looked at Johanna, tears blinding my vision.

"Tell me it was a nightmare," I whispered.

She bit her lip.

I broke down.

She held me.

I don't know how long I cried for (and even if I did I wouldn't admit it). I felt even more hopeless than I had the day before because the reality became more real. But Johanna was there. I don't know if that made me feel better or worse. I mean we'd been close friends ever since she won her games but she'd never seen me like this before and I didn't know if I wanted her to. Nevertheless, I didn't really have that choice, my emotions sort of took over. After I'd finished my mental breakdown, had a few dozen shots of espresso (which did NOT make me less depresso) and come to my senses I struck up the conversation.

"How are you here?" I asked her.

"I got the train," Johanna smiled.

I rolled my eyes, "how did you know to come here is what I really mean."

"Don't you remember? You two invited me over today and thank god you did," she said, "I arrived and found you passed out drunk and Flaire nowhere to be seen."

I swallowed hard and took a deep breath, "we have to find her."

"Woah there horsey," Johanna said, "you need to tell me what happened."

I gave her a quick rundown of the day, the argument, the screams and the night before, with Flaire's weird dream. She began to turn as pale as snow.

"What is it?" I asked, suddenly feeling sick..

"I had a weird dream like that," she murmured, "she said something bad was coming?"

I nodded.

"Holy shit," she gulped.

"What, what was your dream Johanna?" I exclaimed.

"It was just this black pit of nothingness with a voice echoing from it," she said, "it's hard to explain and I sound mental when I say it but the voice sounded so much like Snow's. I just passed it off as one of the PTSD nightmares."

"What did he say?" I pressed on.

"Something bad is coming for you Johanna Mason, something that will destroy you like you destroyed me."

Tensions were high and neither of us knew what to do. Who could help us? What good would come of it? Who couldn we actually trust?

"Katniss and Peeta," Johanna said suddenly.

"We can't drag Katniss and Peeta into this," I sighed, "it's not fair."

"We're gonna have to," she replied, "life's not fair."

"Don't I know it," I groaned.

"If they've had weird dreams too maybe it'll help us figure it all out," she shrugged.

"I guess we're taking a trip to Distict 12 then," I sighed,

"Last train leaves at 00:42." Johanna said.

"It's 00:38 now!"

"Shit! We need to sprint," she said, bolting out of the door.

We managed to get to the station as the train pulled in.

"We're gonna miss it," I groaned.

"Oh no we're not!" Johanna snapped.

"Jo there's no time-"


She took off again and I followed despite the fact that my lungs were near on being deflated. Like in a Mission Impossible film we both squeezed through closing doors at the last second. Breathless and winded we slumped down into the train seats, just in time. I didn't know how we'd made it, but I didn't care. No doubt I'd have the stiffest back when we got to 12. Johanna looked at me dead in eyes.

"I refuse to not find her," she said, "you got that?"

I nodded, "I just can't imagine what's going on. Is she hurt? Who has her? What do they want? Have the killed..."

My voice trembled on the word. Johanna took my shaking hand.

"She is not dead. Our Flaire is strong and she'll fight."

"But she's fought for so long what if she can't anymore," I worried, "Johanna she was finally starting to get some peace."

"I know but we can fix this," she said, "everything happens for a reason."

"Then why is she suffering so much! She doesn't deserve it," I said.

"No, she doesn't," she sighed, "and if I'm honest Finnick I'm so fucking scared right now but if we crumble then what hope does Flaire have? We have to stay strong, at least for her."

I nodded and bit the inside of my cheek. I met her eyes again and lost the strength I thought I had. The tears reappeared expect this time we cried together.

Sorry it's taking me SOOOOO long to update
School is killing me 😭😭 and I only just went back
Anyways hope you lot enjoyed xx
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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