Wifey For Lifey

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"You lost the rings?" Katniss asked, after we'd explained the situation.

"We didn't do it on purpose," Haymitch said.

"We didn't do anything!" I groaned, "you lost them!"

"Why did you trust him!" Katniss exclaimed.

"Ouch," Haymitch replied.

"I don't know!" I said.

"I mean you literally had the pick of any of us and you choose Haymitch!?" she yelled, "I didn't think even you could be that stupid Finnick."

"No need to insult the poor guy love," Peeta said, "I mean he's lost the most important component on the most important day of his life."

"Thanks," I grumbled, "you guys are making me feel ten times better."

"What are you going to do?" Peeta asked.

"Tell her the truth," I shrugged, "she's my fiancée."

"She won the Hunger Games," he pointed out.

"So did basically all of us here," Katniss said, "doesn't mean we're going to go around killing people."

"Well..." Johanna began, we all turned to look at her, "kidding?"

I rolled my eyes, "it'll all be fine."

They didn't look too convinced and to be quite honest I don't think I was either. I mean can weddings even go ahead without the rings? Johanna and Katniss left for Flaire and I begged them to act natural. I knew Katniss probably could, it was Johanna I was worried about. That girl could 100% make it as obvious as light to the day, I just prayed she'd do me this favour.

Walking into your wedding, not knowing where your rings are is quite a scary thought (and by the way I don't recommend). Most people get nervous before they get married but the only reason I was nervous was because we might not even get married. I silently said every curse word I knew in my head before I took my place at the alter. We had decided to keep it small for our wedding, partly because we didn't want and big wedding and partly because most of the people we actually wanted to be there were dead (thanks Snow).

I wiped my sweating hand on my trousers. The doors burst open and Johanna walked down, throwing flower petals in an over-exaggerated manor, making her look like an absolute idiot, but it made me smile. I was quite sure she might start doing acrobatics but unfortunately not (guess I'd have to ask her for our one year wedding anniversary). She came and stood beside Peeta, then Katniss and Effie (who looked remarkably like the wedding cake in her outfit) walked in. Finally there was the moment of truth. The music began and no, it wasn't your typical weird organ thing, it was a beautiful piano piece (don't ask me the details I can barely remember what I had for breakfast this morning).

And then I saw her. It was like time itself had stopped. My fiancée stood their, arm in arm with Haymitch Abernathy. She looked... there's not word to describe it, beautiful, gorgeous, phenomenal doesn't even cover a fraction of how truly amazing she looked. It was like she wasn't real, like this moment wasn't real. The realisation then hit. I was marrying Flaire Lockshot. As a tear trickled down my cheek, I tried to calm my shaking hands to offer her help to step up. Her dress looked quite easy to trip over and I must admit I was surprised she hasn't fallen flat on her face before now.

"You look..." I breathed, not able to finish my sentence.

"You don't clean up too bad yourself," she grinned, a few tears dampening her face, ruining the hours of work, but none of it mattered anymore.

"Glad you think so," I smiled softly.

Peeta cleared his throat and began, "We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Finnick Odair and Flaire Lockshot, two beautiful souls prepared to take the next step-"

"Move it along!" Johanna yelled, holding a glass of champagne.

Flaire disguised her laugh as a cough, we could always count on Johanna to spruce things up, even on our wedding day

"Do you guys want to move on or..." Peeta asked.

"Yeah it's fine," Flaire shrugged, "just skip to the bit where we officially get married."

"Okay Flaire Lockshot, do you take Finnick Odair to be your loving husband, to have and to hold, for sickness and for health, until death do you part."

"What about after death?" Johanna asked.

"Shut up!" Flaire rolled her eyes, "I do."

"And Finnick Odair, do you take Flaire Lockshot to be your loving wife, to have and to hold, for sickness and for health, until death do you part."

"I do," I smiled, squeezing Flaire's hands in mine.

"Erm, we need the rings..." Peeta murmured.

"Yeah the rings...okay, there's something I need to tell you Flaire-" I stammered.

"Looking for these?" she smirked, holding up two rings.

I almost passed out in relief, "you had them the whole time?"

She shook her head, "I found them."

"Where!?"  I exclaimed.

"Doesn't matter," she winked, "let's just say I have a way of finding things."

"You don't know how scared I was," I sighed, shaking my head.

"I could tell, your face was so pale I thought you'd turned into a vampire," she giggled.

"A sexy vampire," I suggested, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Don't push it Finn," she replied playfully.

"Ewwww stop getting all mushy!" Johanna said.

"Does that girl have a filter?" Katniss muttered.

"Apparently not," Peeta shrugged.

"She has a point though," Haymitch said.

"It's our wedding day," I said.

"Don't worry she's just salty she has no one, I mean she's technically seventh wheeling," Flaire laughed.

"Ouch, rub it in Flaire!" Johanna said.

She winked at Jo and flashed a smile. Oh god, how I loved that smile. And lucky me, because I'd get to see it for the rest of my life.

"Anyways rings," she said, passing me mine and extending her ring finger.

I placed it on and kissed her hand. She smiled and slid my ring into my finger.

"You may kiss the bride!"

Queue the happy tears, the dancing and the cake.

It's been a while I know. Tbh I didn't think anyone was reading this book but even if they aren't I'm going to update. I have so many ideas just buzzing in my head for this book. I won't let you down. This chapter was so dead, but bare with PLEASE. ANYWAYS just had to ask anyone else seen the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes? I did a few days ago and oh my lordy lord it was INCREDIBLE. Seriously one of my new favourite films and I highly recommend. I was so scared it wouldn't follow the book but it did! Ah! Loved it, anyways ramble over, hope you enjoyed this chapter xx

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