The Truth

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Cameron's Pov

I didn't understand any of this at all......She was so confusing especially lately. I swear she was fucking crazy for the last few days. If you are wondering who I am talking about I am talking about my mom. She has been asking me if I had sex with Isabella yet. Not in a bad way like she was angry but in some kind of eagerness like she wants me to...I knew her and dad did it all the fucking time trust me I was pretty sure everyone in the neighborhood knew it. But the fact they are both on my ass about having sex with Izzy was a little strange. I mean of course I wanted to have sex with Izzy but I wasn't expecting my parents are the ones trying to push me more to do it right away. I broke and told her me and Izzy did things in the shower last night, she was pretty happy about it. Again strange but my mother was always strange. Just other mothers would kill people I guess. It just confused me as it did Izzy but then again Izzy was still confused on why we ate a lot of raw meat even when she eats it to. But then again I question it sometimes.

But me and my sister ate raw meat since we were little I never knew why. But then again my mom said we would know when we grew up. I laid in bed snuggling Izzy. She hasn't woken up yet but I didn't blame her at all....I flinched as my legs started hurting again. I hear my mom come in with a small basket. She was smiling softly as she sees my naked girlfriend.

"I thought she would be hungry when she wakes up. She will need her energy."

I looked at my mom skeptical. I loved her I really do but she knew something that I didn't and the fact she is ok with this was a little too much for me to handle.

"Mom no more messing around. Something's happening isn't it."

"I wasn't lying honey. You are growing however not in a normal way. You body is preparing you for things. Have you noticed how your body is fine when around Isabella."

I looked at her strange then back to Izzy.

"She's doing this."

"No god no haha she doesn't know what we are honey. She will soon though."

"What we are."

"I wish for you to find that out when you turn but for now......She is your....soulmate. Ok that's why you feel needy towards her. Your thoughts haven't stopped have they."

I blush.

"Mother not now."

"I am just saying. She is part of this yes but she is not the cause. She just comes with it honey. You will never stop being over protective over her honey. That's how your father is as well. Just having a human mate....Is a little different.....Very rare which is why we are pushing the idea of mating at you son. Others trying to claim her."

"Human? Are you saying I am not human?"

"Honey don't worry to much about it right now honey. For now just focus on slowly mating her for now honey everything will be explained soon ok..."

She leaves my room leaving the food basket in the room. A few minutes later Izzy starts to wake up slowly as she stretches and yawns. I sighed before smiling kissing her all over her face causing her to giggle. 

"I slept in really late I am not use to it..."

I smile. I knew she woke up really early usually. Was this what my mom was talking about. Was me not being human and whatever I am....After last night did I cause her to sleep later because of what I caused last night? I sighed snuggling into her.

"Well after last night I would hope this would be the cause baby I mean."

She giggled shoving me before blushing most likely remembering last night. I chuckle at her before snuggling into her again. I was on cloud nine again, just feeling her against me was the best feeling in the world. You know that feeling when you are with that someone special and you just know that this person is who you will be with for the rest of your life. This was one of those moments. Izzy was the most amazing girl here in forks. I was so grateful that when Edward came back Izzy didn't go back with him. She was mine and all mine. I wouldn't let him get close I would kill him before he got the chance.

No one's Pov

Cameron's thoughts trailed off into other thoughts of Izzy. In this town you only know of two creatures. The vampires and the shifters right? Well your wrong there isn't just shifters or vampires, however these supernatural creatures knew how to hide amongst human way better than the vampires did or the shifters did. They looked like humans, acted like humans. However they had a dark secret....They were not human in fact they were considered more of a monster then the vampires. But the thing was.....the cullen's knew something was going on. They had went to the Volturi to try and figure out how to get Bella back into their lives. However the Volturi would never mess with these creatures. Aro Volturi knew these creatures well and they knew if one of those creatures claimed the young human women. There was no way that the Cullen's would get her back. No matter how hard they tried. These things were dangerous especially to vampires. They were the only creatures that was poisonous to vampires. And one had claimed Isabella....meaning the Cullen's were in deeper shit then they thought. Which Aro thought of them as fouls for trying to poke something that should no be poked. Many vampires were not aware of these things....However the pack was getting ready to see the new Bella as well as a stranged scented group. The pack will also walk into the devil's den soon........

(Throughout the last few chapters and the next few chapters there are small clues however I left some fake clues to throw you off just for fun Cameron and his friends and family aren't what you think their going to be.)

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