Not Ready

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Cameron's Pov

I never thought I would be here......I was getting a little worried to be honest. Izzy was getting sick throughout the last weeks. I was starting to get worried no medicine that the doctor's gave her were working. However my mom mentioned that it wasn't just any sickness which made me upset at her and honestly worried for Izzy. I knew my mom didn't mean it like she knew everything but she was annoying me right now with all these riddles. Izzy wasn't keeping anything down not even water. But about a hour passed and my mom came into my room handing Izzy some tea that almost smelt sweet and musky....I was worried about what was in their but all my mother said was.

"Honey calm down it's just a tea to help her feel better I promise. You want her to get better right?"

I sighed nodding towards her....I was getting more irritated easily which I thought was going to be a problem honestly because of this whole Edward fucking thing. He was a fucking pest that I needed to get rid of somehow. I wasn't sure how to go about it yet but me and the guys have been things of ways. It was funny the last few days I have been taking care of Izzy. She was always stubborn not wanting to skip out on school even though she was really sick. However during school I would always make sure she had everything she had asked for and needed. 

It pissed off Edward all to easy. Which made me proud in more than one way. I know I was being cocky and rude but at this point I didn't really care much about trying to be nice to that little fucker. He was just irritating everyone even his own siblings. I had tied Izzy's hair up into a cute little ponytail then braided the bottom of it so it didn't get to tangled so it wouldn't cause her headache to get worse if we had to brush her hair out. I made her wear my soft pajamas even when they were a little to big and hot for her.

She needed to get better and I was going to try everyway I knew how to get her to feel better even the slightest. My mother would check on her a few times but it wasn't just Izzy she was checking on she was checking on me and her. She was watching me almost as if something was going to happen soon. I sighed not knowing what to think of those actions. It scared me, I knew something was coming but I didn't know what. And from what I heard my mom say....It involved Izzy as well but she said it wasn't anything bad on Izzy's part. I just didn't want Izzy to get hurt in anyway she was to special to me. 

I wouldn't let her go ever. The last few days my friend noticed me getting more possessive over Izzy and they started to question me but all my parents said to them was it was normal for me to act that way towards Izzy. Especially with how I feel about her. She was my everything and if I lost her I think I would go crazy I mean sometimes she is the only thing keeping down on earth and not lash out at anyone. Especially at school, towards one certain person. Izzy knew I would kick Edward's ass especially with how easy that I get mad now. 

It was hard sometimes to not get mad for small things. It was like I couldn't control my emotions. But it felt like my anger was the worse to control ontop of my hornyness it was like I was some kind of animal......But my mom no matter how many times I tell her I think something is wrong with me she just says.

"Oh it's normal for you to be like that your father was the same way but it seems yours is just a tad bit worse then his was."

Again was she talking in riddles that I couldn't understand. It got me to the point that I was researching on different kinds of things. The mood swings and everything but all I was brought to was some urban stories. My mother told me I wasn't really a human but something more. But I still didn't know what. In the last few days I learned what the Cullen's were and Jacob and his little gang of men down there. My mom filled me in on everything. But she also said that there was a reason I was more protective over Izzy then any other women that I have been with. 

I laid back snuggling against Izzy trying to give her more comfort as my thoughts run wild. Devil......Lycanthrope.......demons......spirits......all of these were the search's that I found close to what I was feeling. Again none of these were that good to be but it was better to know what I was or have some clue on what I was before it happens. Throughout more of my symptoms I will cross one off at a time. As I read through all of the words that were said, I was getting more worried. If I was any of these it meant more than likely Izzy was my mate and that's why I was being more possessive over her. Because other males are trying to win her over and I felt threatened.

I was sort of shocked by what it read. I wasn't expecting that to be why Izzy was involved but it kinda of made sense now. That's what my mom meant by Izzy wasn't involved in a bad way but more of a good way. She was my mate more than likely. I sighed at least I don't have to worry about her as much. But as for me I didn't want to hurt her in anyway. Even when my mom said i have nothing to worry about I will still worry about my sweet girlfriend....I was not ready.

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