Play With Fire

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Cameron's Pov

The last few days Edward has been trying to try different ways to get rid of me. I was pissed off slightly but it was mostly amazing to me that he was still trying. Him and his family didn't understand what they were dealing with. And it was just going to get them killed. Unlike them I can't be killed. They could try but this body wasn't even my true form. Unlike them I can eat like a human talk like one. Act like one. But I fuck like the beast I am. Izzy was my mate that just made me stronger with her love. I felt almost human but when my parents explained to me what I was after I turned Izzy was there for me. Which is why as long as everything goes according to plan then she will be my wife soon. But I had to play by human rules so it didn't look strange to her father. I sighed before the Cullen's caught my attention when I seen Edward passing a note that said something along the lines of...

'It's time.'

I chuckled causing Izzy to look at me skeptical before looking over to the Cullens. I seen them walk out of the cafeteria and I grabbed Izzy following them. If they wanted a fight then they would get one. Rather they be ready or not. Edward needed to be knocked down a few inches from his high seat. He needed to know that he wasn't top any more. I scowl as me and Izzy follows them. Izzy looked confused but when I talked to them she would realize what was going on. I was done with the Cullen's for god sake they made the pack feel stupid when they were the ones to even come close to figuring out what I was. I huff as I stop right infront of the Cullen's causing them to look at me with shock as my eyes turn red. I smirk slowly.

"You know what I don't get Cullen is your trying so hard to fight a battle that you have no moves left. Your in a checkmate. No more moves left for you. And yet you still going and going trying to salvage what you can to try and take me down. But the funny thing is you won't be able to kill me. Unlike you I have more of a upper hand here."

I see his pixie of a sister scowl at me.

"Your a dickhead."

"Woah there little lady that's some colorful choice of words for someone so pathetic."

She growls and rushes at me but before she can touch me I grip her by the neck as I scowled at her squeezing her neck roughly. 

"Your so fucking pathetic."

She tried scratching me hard but it just caused me to laugh as no marks were left on my skin. I squeeze harder causing her head to tear off her body slowly causing blood to splatter all over my face and clothes some getting on Izzy's face. I dropped her body on the ground smirking at the Cullen's laughing. 

"Tsk tsk tsk. Your all animals....Caged tiny animals."

"Us animals look what you just did to our sister."

"Never understood why you guys adopt your family like this it's disturbing like your a barbie family. See Animals are caged with muzzles. They can't do much and they can easily be put down. They have a ego way bigger than what they actually are. They don't have a mute button nor do they have morals. They take things away that aren't theirs just to play with them and then toss them away then come back and try and do it all over again. No I am a beast a evil spirit that......Has morals. I eat like a human I act like a human. And I fuck like the beast I am. I am a free beast. That has all the moves in the world. I have all the power in my hand. And you want to try and take me down. Unlike you nothing can kill me. But you fire can easily kill you. So many people have fire and can kill you so much easier then you think."

Their eyes widen.

"E...evil spirit? Beast?"

"See I go by many names. But this human form isn't my real form.....No ever heard of the name Beelzebub?"

I hear one of the women gasp at me with their leader.


I chuckled.

"It's sad that your coven thinks that their so powerful. See Izzy is my mate. And I am a possessive fuck I will admit that. I am sometimes a little much. And I do let my feelings get the best me. I do have rage fits. But that's just all of the fun. The blood baths. The wars. It made me love blood more and more. And Izzy doesn't mind it anymore she just thinks it's more sexier if I am covered in blood, see this is where you loose checkmate. You need a good smack. I am not playing anymore Edward. You want all or nothing then let's go. Your sister can put her head back on. Trust me if I wanted her dead she would be in seconds. This is a warning you stupid child."

He growls at me causing my anger to get the best of me. I rush to him pinning him to the ground by my foot on his throat slamming it harder and harder.

"Here is your problem. Caged animals have no common sense. They always use their growl they have no bite compared to beasts like me. I am free and your caged you only have so many moves before you run out. Growl at me again like some childish animal and trust me your throat will be ripped out and your little pretend father can try and put it back together. I am done with you. This is a warning Edward. Do not try anything stupid you will end up dead before anyone can save your ass. Izzy is mine. Feel free to keep trying but trust me this won't end pretty for you."

I grab Izzy's hand walking off back to the school just in time to hear the bell ring for last period. I promised Izzy I would feed her well since we missed lunch. If Edward wanted to play with the scraps he had let him. He won't be able to touch me or Izzy. I am Beelzebub and best believe I would burn the whole world and cover the whole world in a blood bath........

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