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Nick sat in the corner of the party gloomily drinking a glass of blood. Harry came over and sat down next to him. "So nick what happened with your blood bag? Ben says its his now."

Nick didn't respond. He had been stalling with the official story and hadn't yet sighed over ownership but It was only a matter of time before Ben made him.

At that moment Ben arrived at the party with Charlie in tow. He waisted no time in making his intentions clear. He scanned the party till he found nick, once he knew nick was watching him he smirked and dragged Charlie towards the stairs.

At parties like this vampires would take their humans upstairs to have sex with them. As Charlie was yanked up the stairs he turned to look back at nick. The desperate anguish on Charlies face cut nick to the core, triggering something deep inside him.

"Are you alright mate?" Harry asked as nick started hyperventilating. Nick was clenching and unclenching his hands, his whole body ridged with anger, his eyes glowed red and his fangs snapped out. 

"Oh shit!" Harry yelled when he realised what was happening. "Nicks going to blow!" Harry called out.

The whole party retreated away from nick, nobody wanted to get in the way of a vampire in a bloodlust episode.

Nick launched himself off the sofa with a roar and sprinted up the stairs. He was making a monstrous howling noise like a wolf baying for blood. 

He broke through the door to the bedroom like it was cardboard and found Ben pinning Charlie against the wall, unbuttoning his clothes.

Nick ripped ben off Charlie and shook him like a ragdoll.

"Are you mad, il..." Ben didn't managed to finish the threat because nick punched him in the face.

"I DONT CARE!" Nick screamed. He threw himself at Ben like a force of nature. Breaking limbs, clawing out pieces of flesh, punching over and over.

"I'm going to make you eat your own heart." Nick bellowed. He wasn't exaurating, he really intended to rip out bens heart and shove it down his throat.

"The video." Ben coughed up blood and teeth as he said it. That made nick pause.

"Where is it?" nick demanded. When Ben didn't answer nick dug his fingers into bens eye socket intending to pluck it out. Ben screamed in fear and pain.

"My phone." Ben gasped. Nick smashed the device.

Nick then kept punching, beating Ben into a bloody pulp. After he had gotten out his rage nick dropped ben in disgust, not caring if he was alive or dead. Nick was still in the throws of his bloodlust, but he wasn't angry anymore he was hungry.

Nick turned to Charlie and advanced, Charlie backed away in fear. Nick looked like a monster, he was covered in blood, fangs out and he had just ripped Ben apart and was making a growling noise like a hungry lion.

"Mine." Nick growled as he seized Charlie and sank his fangs into Charlies neck.

"Stop. Please." Charlie begged. But it took him a few seconds to realise Nick had stopped, he had pulled out his fangs but he was still holding Charlie, hugging him tightly, bloodlust over. 

The two of them shared a desperate intense hug, burrowing their faces into each other, both of them started crying. They were together again.

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