Chapter 21

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A few nights ago Eda has overheard Serkan talking to Kiraz through the monitor, how he said so sweetly about making her a Bolat and them becoming a family officially. Her heart swelled but her mind raced. She looked at the clock besides her bed reading 3:00am.
She rubbed her face with her hands and looked next to her at the gorgeous man she got to call hers and soon hers forever. It had been days since she had heard and yet her mind still raced and overthought. For reasons she didn't know why. She couldn't talk to Melo, that girl can't keep a secret and Ceren was working on a case in bodrum that she had no time at the moment.
She got out of bed and looked at Kiraz who was sleeping exactly like her father.One Arm behind her head and the other on her stomach, their mouths both slightly open. Eda smiled and shook her head at the scene then walked downstairs to make a hot drink that might put her back to sleep.
She sat on the counter in the kitchen with only the lights dimmed as she sipped at her hot chocolate. She looked around the house and took in the moment she was in. What am I doing over thinking this? I've loved him for six years nearly 7 and I know I'll love him a lifetime. She thought to herself looking at the pictures they had scattered around their house. Pictures of them both from before they were together and pictures now. No difference besides the beautiful baby that now featured in most of them. If he would ask her she realised in that moment she wouldn't question it. Ofcourse she'd say yes. Without a shadow of a doubt.

She walked back upstairs to find Kiraz no longer in her crib but on Serkans chest, both their eyes closed but his hand soothed her back rubbing small circles. Eda crawled back into bed and smiled when Serkans arm moved to welcome her. Whispering softly he spoke "Everything okay?"
She stroked Kiraz soft dark curls
"Just needed a drink. Everything's perfect" she yawned.


It had been a couple weeks since Serkan had decided he was going to propose. He wanted the perfect timing and setting for the perfect woman. The past weeks had been very busy with Kiraz, she was teething early so their nights had been long but they'd finally found a solution to help her get through. A teething ring that you freeze and give to her seemed to help with her gums and seemed a more appropriate choice than Engins version of rubbing alcohol on her gums.

Eda was out with her mother for the day having lunch with Kiraz whilst Serkan out his plan in place. At Artlife meeting table was Melo Ceren, Engin and piril.

"Eniste I can't believe your finally proposing" Melo bounced in her chair excitedly.

"I am Melo. But you have to promise me because I know what you are like that you must and I mean must keep this a secret" he begged.

"We know what Eda is like. The moment she knows something is off she will investigate and you will definitely be the first to give in" he laughed.

Melo tutted jokingly pretending to be hurt at his words.

"I will keep my mouth shut. But it only lasts so long so you better hurry" she pointed at him.

"Melo shh , Serkan what is the plan" Ceren timed in.

"Engin and Piril I'll need you to take Kiraz for the afternoon. I will tell Eda that I'm taking her to see you for lunch" he looked at them

"Ofcourse anything you need. We will continue to cover here and make sure nothing major will need you either so your time is free and  not disturbed as well as edas" Piril smiled and looked at Engin for agreement.

"Girls I need you to persuade Eda to come early dinner with you. I don't know how but I'm sure you can figure it out. Maybe say something about desserts I'm sure that will convince her" he laughed knowing his girlfriends obsession with chocolate and desserts.

The girls nodded
"That can be done. I'm sure Melo can put on her feel sorry for me face and have Eda doing anything she asks" Ceren received a small slap to the arm from Melo.

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