Chapter 5

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(Park MinYu's POV)

I'm so glad its the last class of the day, even though I have cram school 30 minutes after I leave here. "Park MinYu...Mr. park!" my teacher yells while slamming down a yard stick ruler onto my desk. "Since you love day dreaming in my class and I'm so boring, would you like to teach my math class instead?!" At this point the entire classroom is looking in my direction. "Joesonghabrida" ( I'm sorry) I say while snapping out of my day dream. "Just because you're the top student, it doesn't give you the right to day dream/sleep in my class. Try getting more sleep at night instead" I open my note book pretending to take notes. I was actually drawing my math teacher with devil horns. I sure do miss going to school in the states. We could actually enjoy our summer vacation with 2 to 3 months off instead of 6 weeks in Korea. Not only could we enjoy a longer summer vacation, we didn't have to read a boring book and do a book report. The education system in the states is quite different. The students would show up to school late or not at all and, we got a study haul period where I would sleep most of the time for at least an hour. Not to brag but, no matter where I am I'm always the top student.

My math teacher definitely has it out for me. He thinks I'm a stuck up snobby rich kid, which isn't true. Also, what the hell does he mean try getting more sleep at night? I would if Korea wasn't so competitive. I leave school at 4pm, go to Cram school until 12am, get home about 12:45am, take a shower and eat dinner by 1:45am, then be in the bed by 2am just to get up at 7am to be back at school by 8am. Most nights I toss and turn from drinking so much caffeine at Cram school just to stay awake. So, in reality I'm maybe getting 2 hours of sleep at night. I am privileged enough to own a car so, imagine all the kids at school relying on public transportation to get to and from cram school. I know they're definitely sleep deprived. Instead of my teacher yelling at me about day dreaming/sleeping, he should put that energy towards fighting for a better school life balance in Korea. Maybe the students wouldn't be so sleep deprived and malnourished from studying all night.

It's finally 4pm. We all stand to bow as a unit before leaving the classroom. "MinYu wait up!" a voice called behind me. I already knew it was Ha-Joon without even turning around. "Can you give me a ride to Cram school please?" he wined. Ha-Joon and I have been friends since Elementary school. Even though I spent most of my life between Korea and the states, Ha-Joon has been by my side through it all. Ha-Joon and I are like Ying and Yang. Ha-Joon is the popular bad boy while I'm the sweet, smart kind of quiet boy. Most peoples first impression of me is a bad boy type but, only because I have a few ear piercings. "fine" I say while putting my backpack on my shoulder. "first let me use the restroom" Ha-Joon says while sprinting in front of me. "If you're not in the car in 5 minutes I'm driving off" I yell. I still need to go to CU ( Korean convenience store) to get my daily caffeinated drinks. Ha-Joon better not hold me up. I walk to my car and throw my backpack in the back seat. I could tell all my peers were looking in my direction. I get it, what high schooler is driving a Lamborghini SUV to school. I am used to it at this point. They all think I'm a spoiled rich kid with no personality. They would know that's not true if they actually got to know me. As for the car I worked with my father and his partner MR. Miller engineering the SamSung Z flip 5. We've spent many nights emailing designs back and forth. Since I helped formulate the design my father paid me half of the money he earned on the Z flip 5 project. Of course my father had rules for the money. I could buy whatever car I wanted and the rest went into a high yields saving account to gain interest. I can not have the other part of the money until I graduate college.

"MinYu ah" a familiar voice calls out to me as I was getting in the car. I roll down the window to see Chae-won and her crew approaching my vehicle. "Here we go" I mumble under my breath while immediately getting irritated. "MinYu why wont you answer my texts or calls" I avoid looking at her by looking past her, hoping I would see Ha-Joon. "I've been busy" I say nonchalantly. "You don't seem busy right now" I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. "I'm talking to you right now aren't I?! why would I text you back if you're standing right here" At this point we are locking eyes and I just know she sees the irritation on my face. "Why are you so mean, I'm just trying to get to know you" "Ahsssh" I groan while looking at my watch. 5 minutes has pasted and still no sight of Ha-Joon. "Because Chae-Won no matter how many times I tell you I'm not interested or turn you down, you just wont quit. You should be thankful I don't turn you in for stalking" Chae-Won's face turns bright red in embarrassment. "Everybody wants to be me or be with me. I literally have guys buying me snacks and doing whatever I say just to be near me" Chae-Won yells. "Fine" I say while starting my car. "Go bother someone who's actually interested. I would step back if I was you...I wouldn't want those pretty Dior knock offs to get ruined" Just as I was pulling off Ha-Joon jumps in front of my car. "Yah! I told you to wait for me" Ha-Joon hops in and we were off.

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