Chapter 16

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(MinYu POV)

This is all a misunderstanding and I feel bad for Sanjai. She's basically having a hard time because of me. I guess I have no choice but to ruin Chae Wons popularity along with her family's reputation. Sanjai's sniffling snapped me out of my raging thoughts. Why the hell am I driving while having deep thoughts. I almost missed my turn. I reach behind my seat to hand Sanjai a box of tissues to blow her nose. "Here kitten before you have snot running down your face" "shut up!" she yells while punching my arm. "Ouch! I'm just tryna help you out" She grabs the tissue box and begins to blow her nose. I glance over one more time before backing into a parking spot at the Samsung flagship store. " So I guess your dad doesn't know about the bullying you're going through at school?" Sanjai takes off her seat belt. " I barley see him anymore and when he does come home I'm already asleep. But, I guess he's going to find out today since I have to use his employee ID number to get a new phone. I really don't want to tell him because he'll definitely get me expelled for cursing out the students and beating up their parents" Mr. Miller is a little scary so I wouldn't doubt it. "I would let you use my dad's account but the phone would have to be under his plan so, that wouldn't work" We both let out a long sigh. "Come on" I unfasten my set belt and open the car door. "I'll just buy you a new phone" "No.. that's ok I'll just use my dads account and tell him I dropped my phone" We are now walking towards the front entrance of the Sam Sung store." Relax, I want to buy you a new phone. It's my fault you're going through this in the first place."

I open the door to let Sanjai in first. The salesman Mr. Han greeted us at the door. "Welcome, what bring you in today Mr. Park? Did you lose your wireless headphones again?" "No.." I laugh. "I'm here because my friend needs a new phone" Mr. Han looks over at Sanjai. "Ohh your friend..." He winks before taking us towards the newly released phones. "It's not like that... we really are friends" "Un huh whatever you say Mr. Park. So, what phone are we looking to purchase today?" "The Zflip 5. She currently has that phone but the screen is completely shattered" I hand the phone to Mr. Han. "Oh I see. We could always just replace the screen instead of buying a new phone. However, it would take up to 2 weeks" "No, she needs a phone now. A foreigner cannot survive in Korea without a phone. Especially, if they do not know Korean" "Mr. Park I was only making an suggestion. "I suggest you go ring up her new phone before I give your commission to someone else. Mr. Han went to the back to grab the phone without another word. "That's what I thought" I mumble to myself. I turn around to face Sanjai who is no longer standing behind me. I scan the room to see Sanjai near a display of New Jeans holding the New Z flip. They must be the new ambassadors. "Do you want me to take your picture in from of the sign?" "Oh.. no it's ok" "Come on you know you want to" There is nothing I love more than embarrassing Sanjai and watching her get shy.

"Take the picture or I will sing ETA really loud with choreo" "Ok ok please don't !" She laughs. Sanjai stands in front of the display and strikes the cutest pose ever. I took the photo but let her stay in that pose a little longer just to admire her beauty. "can you hurry up and take the picture!" "I already did 5 minutes ago" I stick out my tongue teasingly while running to the other side of the display. Sanjai followed. Sanjai immediately stopped  once she noticed the New Jeans Sam Sung collaboration merch. I walk over to see what she's smiling so hard at. The new Jeans collaboration had a Z flip phone case with their bunny logo in different colors all over the case, wireless headphones, the wireless headphone bunny case, a baseball cap and a t-shirt with the New Jeans bunny plastered all over it. I waved over Mr. Han who was standing near the register waiting for us to check out. "We'll take all this merch as well" Sanjai's eyes widen as she Mr. Han went to the back to grab the items. "I can't afford to pay you back for all this.... I get allowance but not this much" I chuckle. "I don't expect you to pay me back. Take it as an early birthday present" We walk over the the counter to check out. "Will you be using your father's account Mr. Park?" "No" "Ok you're total is $2,895.50 cents" Sanjai begins to panic over the price. "We can put some stuff back" I ignore her and hover my phone over the POS to pay. "Here is you're receipt Mr. park and here are some New jeans photo cards, stickers and Tote bag since you bought the entire collection" Mr. Han hands them to Sanjai. "Thanks MinYu for the new phone but we can return the other stuff" "Is it your money?" I ask Sanjai as we walked out the building. "No" " Then don't worry about it. Trust me I wont miss it. I have more than enough" I have more money than she could ever imagine from working with my dad and the pity money my mother sends me.

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