Chapter 20

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( MinYu's POV)

I pull into the driveway and immediately get out of the car. I'm exhausted from being Batman and a single father of 3. I'm having second thoughts about having a family of my own after having to look after 3 teens. I walk through the front door to hear my mom and dad arguing. I can't make out what the argument is about but I bet my mom is in the wrong per usual. "Najibeisseo! ( I'm home) I yell to get them to stop arguing. I walk into the kitchen to get a bottle of water, my throat is starting to feel scratchy. I hope I'm not getting sick. My mom storm into the kitchen with tears streaming down her face. She quickly wipe them away with the back of her hand. "Where were you last night?" I look over to my dad who is now entering the kitchen with a worried look on his face. "I was out with a few friends" "You know we used to have a good mother son relationship when you were younger. We would play together and you would call me Eomma ( Mom). You would light up when I picked you up from daycare and you would tell me how much you loved me. As you got older and I went back to work you started to change" "I changed because all you did was work, I barely saw you anymore. Then, you and dad started arguing everyday and you went overseas to work. Yeah you text and call me but you rarely come home. Christmas and New Years just isn't enough for me. I felt abandoned by you... I still do"

My mom pulls me in and hugs me tight as I tower over her. "I'm sorry for abandoning you MinYu.  I just needed to get out of this house and away from your dad for awhile to keep our family together. I don't want the divorced parents stigma to ruin your chances of getting married or even your social life. Everyone sees us as a perfect happy family and it must stay that way for your sake" At this point my mom is crying hysterically in my arms. I look over at my dad who won't even look at me. What the hell is going on. In that moment I felt bad for my mom. So I held her and rubbed her back as she cried " Gwaenchanh ayo Eomma" ( It's ok mom). I begin to tear up knowing that I treated my mom so bad when she was just doing her best. " May I ask why you guys are thinking about divorcing?" My mom looks up at me. " That's a question you should ask your father" She wipes her eyes as she heads towards her office. I am so confused right now. So, I had it all wrong... my dad is actually the bad guy here. I feel like my mom is protecting me from something my dad is hiding. I walk towards my dad. "Appa... what is going on?" He still doesn't look at me even though I'm standing right in front of him. "Let's discuss this at a later date, right now is not a good time... I have a meeting to attend anyway" He pats me on the shoulder and walks out of the door.  So it's true... my dad is the villain here.

I go into my room and throw my tired body onto my bed. I hope it's nothing major. If he cheated can't they just go to couples counseling, but the way my mom was crying it has to be something worse than that. I roll over to my side to grab my cellphone out of my pajamas pants pocket. I check Instagram to see thousands of comments and tags from the party last night. I even see a video of Sanjai and Sun Hee dancing on the table. I double tap the picture to like it. I check my Instagram inbox to see messages from brands who want to work with me but I have too much going on. I am not in a good head space right now. My parents are keeping secrets and I may never see Sanjai again after tomorrow. If her dad finds out about what happened he'll definitely make her transfer and keep away from me. I scroll through my phone to see the New Jeans concert tickets I plan to give to Sanjai for her birthday. I planned to go with her but now I'm having second thoughts. Maybe Ha Joon should go with her. They clearly like each other and he can probably keep her safe better than I can. I place my cellphone beside me as I slip under the cover. I gave into my heavy eyelids and I fell a sleep in less than 2 seconds.

( Time skip the next day)

"Ugh" I groan as I stretch my arms above my head with my eyes still closed. Why does my body feel extra warm and heavy. I open my eyes to see Ha Joon laying on top of me as if he was a toddler. "ileona!" ( get up) he whines as he shakes me. "What time is it?" I look over to see it's 8:30AM. "Why are you here so early?" I pull the cover over my head and close my eyes as I listened as Ha Joon left my room. Just as I was falling back to sleep Ha Joon enters my room again. This time I smell food and he's smacking loud as hell. "Can you be anymore annoying !" I groan. I remove the covers from over my head to see Ha Joon sitting at the end of my bed eating what smells like Kimchi fried rice. "jeoge mwo eyo?" ( what is that) I ask as I crawl to the end of the bed. "Ahhh" I say with my mouth open. "Aniyo!" (no) Ha Joon yells as he stuffs his mouth and point towards the door." How are you going to be stingy in my house, in my room, eating my food that my mom made" Ha Joon holds his nose while waving his hand in front of his face. I guess my morning breath is getting to him. I did forget to brush my teeth last night before bed, I was so tired. I blow my breath into Ha joon face as he chokes on his food from laughing. I pat his back as hard as I can" Gwenchana?" Ha Joon gives me a thumbs up as I exit the room.  I enter the kitchen to see my mom cooking and my dad no where to be found. "Good morning" I say as I enter the kitchen. "Good morning, did you sleep well?"  She asks with a smile. " I did" She hands me a bowl of Kimchi fried rice and 2 boiled eggs. I sit down at the table. "I'm sorry for the way I've been treating you I didn't know..." "MinYu, it's not your job to know you're just a kid. You shouldn't have to worry about your parents relationship. I thought about quitting my job and coming home to be with you so many times. I missed out on watching you grow up and I regret that everyday. However, If I did come home and moved forward with the divorce I would have nothing to my name"

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