Chapter 12

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(Minyu's POV)

I can already tell this is going to be a interesting day. I've gotten used to my peers staring at me but. the way they are staring at Sanjai is on a whole other level. You would think she's a celebrity or something. From what I am hearing our peers are either impressed by her looks or questioning why a foreigner is at our school. I thought it was pretty explanatory but I guess not. I glance over at Sanjai as we head towards homeroom. She's clearly nervous, I could tell by how tight she is holding the bottom of her skirt. "Are you ok" I asked actually concerned. She looks as if she will faint at any moment now.  "Un huh" she nods without even looking in my direction. "Ok if you say so kitten" Sanjai stops in her tracks and slaps my shoulder. "I told you not to call me that, especially at school...people might get the wrong idea about us" I lean down closer to her face. "and what idea is that?" Sanjai steps back accidently  bumping into Chae Won and stepping on her foot. "Yah!" Chae Won yells. "Eodilo Ganeunji Josimhae !" ( Watch where you're going).  Sanjai turns around to apologize however, Chae Won didn't want to hear it. "Do you know how much these cost!... why is there a foreigner at out school anyway" Sanjai stood there frozen waiting for me to translate.

I really shouldn't be laughing right now but, Chae Won looks stupid going off on someone who doesn't even speak her language. I grabbed Sanjai by the wrist and we continued down the hallway. "Yah! don"t walk away!" I turn around to address Chae Won " Chae Won stop causing a scene over nothing. It's too early in the morning for your non sense. Besides, she doesn't even speak Korean so you're wasting your breath. Oh, and I'm pretty sure those shoes you're wearing are knock offs so I suggest you keep your voice down" At that moment Chae Won had nothing more to say. I'm pretty sure she's aware that I know her family's secret. Chae Won might be the principal's daughter and the goddess of our school but, what would happen to her status if they knew her family was going broke due to her father's gambling addiction. I wouldn't be surprised if her father made her sale all her designer items for cash. We stop in front of the classroom door. "Remember my talker aka the school goddess we talked about..." Sanjai nods her head. "That was her. If she gives you anymore problems just let me know" I walk past Sanjai and into the classroom. As I turn around I notice she is still standing in the hallway. I grab her by the wrist " Come on, you don't want to be outside the classroom when the bell rings because, then you're considered late. Not only will you lose attendance points towards your grade you'll also be assigned after school chores"

As we enter the classroom all eyes were on us. "Sanjai ah!" Ha Joon calls out while giving Sanjai finger hearts. "Come sit next to me" Ha Joon tells a classmate to move and he does because who would want to challenge Ha Joon. It's either you move willingly or Ha Joon will move you physically.  Sanjai and I take our seat so now all 3 of us are in the same row. Sanjai in the middle I'm on her left and Ha Joon on her right. The entire classroom is staring in our direction and talking amongst themselves. The bell rings and in come Mr. Moon. "Settle down everyone to your seats I know you're curious about our new student" Mr. Moon begins taking attendance and calls Sanjai's name in perfect english. "Sanjai Miller" Sanjai shyly raises her hand. I cock my head to the side while looking in Ha Joon's direction. Ha Joon shrugs. Why am I being the damn translator if Mr. Moon  clearly speaks English. "Sanjai, why don't you tell the class a little bit about yourself" Mr. Moon says in English then Korean. The entire classroom turns to face Sanjai. I'm impressed with Mr. Moons English. That means he understood all my English profanity and rants. Why didn't Mr. Moon ever say anything... did he dock points from my grade without me knowing. I need to check my grade when I get home.

"Come on don't be shy, I'll translate. Stand up so everyone can see you" I look towards Sanjai who is now standing next to her desk. "Hi my name is Sanjai and I'm from Ohio in the United States" The classroom collectively says "Woooow" I'm not sure why Koreans are so obsessed with the United States. Personally, I think they watch too many American dramas. Sanjai continues. "My favorite color is Pink and my dad works for Samsung that explains why I'm here in Korea" Sanjai takes a seat as the classroom begins to clap. "Oh Sanjai forgot to mention one thing" I blurt in Korean then English. I love over at Sanjai who is now mouthing curse words at me. "Sanjai is a huge New Jeans stan" I laugh as all the females in the classroom began cheering and giving Sanjai thumbs up. Sanjai probably thought I was going to tell them about her nickname. I'll save that for a later date. "Why isn't she at a international school" Chae Won blurts in Korean while giving Sanjai a dirty glare. "Chae Won enough!" Mr. Moon yells while pointing his yard stick in her direction. "Pull out your workbook and shut your mouth or there's the door" Chae Won slams her workbook on to the desk as Ha Joon and I try not to laugh audibly. 

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