Chapter 11

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( Sanjai's POV)

I closed the door quickly as possible because, if Minyu tells me not to be late one more time I might lose it. "This is a nice apartment" I mumble under my breath as I walk towards my room. I pick up the bags Minyu left in front of my bedroom door and toss them onto the bed. My body followed shortly after. I am exhausted physically and mentally after the long flight and dealing with Minyu. Minyu feels like a second dad rather a friend. I cringe at the wall of boxes near my bed. The thought of having to unpack instantly puts me in a bad mood. "ugh" I groan as I roll back and forth on my bed accidently rolling over the bags. An object in one of the bags felt like a Lego piercing through my back. "Ouch what the hell was that!" I yell in agony as I jolt off the bed while rubbing my back in pain. I frantically dump out the bags onto my bed trying to find the culprit. "What is this?" I pick up what seems to be the beginning of a keychain. In my hands was a keychain of a cat holding a strawberry with a pink bow on the ear. "So this was the surprise Minyu had for me?" I cringe at the thought of Minyu calling me kitten but, I must admit this keychain is kind of cute.

I whip out my cellphone to give Minyu a piece of my mind forgetting that I need to set up my Kakao Talk account. "Why is everything so difficult here, why cant I just text him the normal way" I make my way to the living room to enjoy the Seoul view as I set up my Kakao Talk account. Kakao Talk was better than I thought. It's like Facebook and Instagram all in one. I instantly add Minyu who had a profile picture of him and what I am guessing is Ha Joon

( text message)

Sanjai M: What's up with the cat keychain?

Minyu P: You don't like it kitten LOL

Sanjai M: Ewww Pls don't call me that... thanks tho

Minyu P: Whatever you say Kitten

Sanja M: ur annoying u know that

Minyu P: yup what's  your point? :)

Sanja M: ......

Minyu P: Goodnight Kitten

I slam my phone down on the couch. Why is he so annoying but I cant seem to stay mad at him. I wonder what Ha Joon looks like. I couldn't really tell since he is wearing a mask in the picture Minyu has up. I pick up my phone and begin searching for Ha Joon. Of course he wasn't hard to find, I just went through Minyu's friend list which only had one person. I click on the profile to reveal Ha Joon's page. Of course he was fine as hell too. Ha Joon definitely gives off bad boy vibes. Now I'm kind of nervous to meet Ha Joon tomorrow. What if I make a fool of myself. I continue scrolling down Ha Joon's friend list of about 300 people just to see what my classmates might look like. To my surprise majority of them were good looking even the girls. I can't lie I began feeling insecure. Why did everyone look like K-pop idols or models. The girls were pale, super thin, with perfect hair and makeup. How can I compete with that. Should I straighten my hair for school tomorrow.... having a curly afro will definitely make me stick out. I walk over to the floor to ceiling window facing the streets of Seoul. What am I talking about straight hair or not I will still stick out I'm a foreigner, a black foreigner at that.

"Well I guess I better go shower" I gather my thoughts and head towards the bathroom. "Snap out of it Sanjai you remember what Minyu said. Plastic surgery is popular here so don't feel bad about not looking like them" I open the door to the bathroom and felt like I just walked into a home magazine. His and her sinks, perfect soft lighting, a huge mirror, a toilet that looks to have a bidet and heated toilet seat and a shower with a water fall showerhead. (a shower head in the ceiling and one on the wall) I hop in the shower hoping it would wash away my insecurities. I stood in the shower on waterfall mode letting the water run over my hair and head. Maybe If I drown myself in the shower then I wont have to go to school tomorrow. I was in the shower so long my fingers began to prune. I guess I better get out of here before I shrivel up like a raisin. even if I did drown myself in this shower my dad would still send me to school. I get out the shower while wrapping my body and hair into a towel. "Where did these towels come from anyway" I shrug and proceed towards my bedroom.

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