Chapter 82: Tempest

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Kieran stopped outside of his apartment door, took a few calming breaths, and did his best to enjoy his last minutes of quiet. He had left in the middle of the night and was just now getting back, at almost noon. Tawny would definitely have something to say about that.

His last few moments of peace were more precious than gold.

It probably said a lot about his relationship with Tawny, that Kieran had to brace himself to face her. He had never had to do that with Naomi. Being around Naomi felt natural, and he always wanted more. In the back of his mind, Kieran knew he had made a grave mistake in choosing responsibility over affection.

Because, also in the back of his mind, Kieran had begun to come to terms with the fact that he had fallen in love with the Little Rich Girl.

Too bad that he couldn't turn back and change the decisions he had already made.

As always, his door creaked softly when he opened it.

Tawny came scurrying from the kitchen, her eyes wide and innocent, but on fire with jealousy. Only half of it was an act. "I woke up in the middle of the night and you weren't here. Do you know how worried I was? Where have you been?"

"Out." Kieran chose brevity in lieu of starting an argument. The less he said, the less Tawny could nitpick about.

Or so he thought.

"Out? That's all you have to say to me?" Tawny folded her arms petulantly. "I've been sitting here worried and you don't look like you care."

"Maybe I just needed some space."

Kieran didn't know what possessed him to say it, but it came flying out of his mouth with all the bitterness he had locked up in his heart. Maybe that gate he kept shutting had finally malfunctioned. Whatever the cause, the statement was enough to set Tawny off.

"Space?" Her voice reached an octave that Kieran had never heard. "You shouldn't need space, I'm your soulmate! We're supposed to be together. You should want to spend time with me!"

For once in his life, Kieran wanted to be honest. He was tired of playing Tawny's games, of allowing her to believe that he loved her when all he felt toward her was guilt.

"Maybe I don't want that."

"What do you mean? You promised me to look after me forever."


"You can't just ignore me. Think about my scars, don't you owe me for that?"

Tawny's scars. Tawny's feelings. Tawny's obsession. Kieran had lived through enough of Tawny's manipulative narcissism. The only filter left in his brain finally snapped.

"You wanna go there? Let's be clear about it right now." Kieran leveled his gaze into the face of the woman he might have once cared for. "I saved your life. I pulled you out of that fire. So how is it that I owe you?"

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have even been there." Tawny glared right back at him. "I wouldn't have these scars. I wouldn't have been rejected over them over and over again. I would be happy!"

"You followed me secretly. Tawny, I don't owe you anymore."

"You don't feel guilty about it at all? How typically male."

"I've never felt guilty about the scars," Kieran's voice raised, as if it to make his point clearer.

Tawny blinked, her eyes brimming with tears, as if he had betrayed her. "But you agreed that you owe me."

"Yeah, but not for those." Kieran ran a hand through his hair. "The only thing I've ever felt guilty for is getting you addicted to high-end shopping and teaching you how to borrow money from loan sharks. And I think I've more than paid that off now."

"What do you mean?" Tawny went still, her whole demeanor saying that she knew exactly what he meant.

Kieran said it out loud anyway. "We should go our separate ways now."

"I don't want to."

Kieran didn't care anymore. He had lost everything he ever cared about. He might as well make it a clean break. So he turned to walk away from Tawny into the kitchenette.

Tawny latched onto his arm. "Don't leave me, Kieran. You're all I have."

"No, I'm not." Kieran shook free from her hold. "You just want me around so I can pay off your debts. You can leech off someone else for that."

"That's not true." Tawny grabbed a hold of him again. "I'll stop spending money. I won't go to Patrick again. Just don't leave."

"It's better for both of us." Kieran peeled her hands off his arm, then managed to put some distance between them by stepping around the counter.

"Is this because of that girl?"

"This is because it'll be healthier for us."

"So it is." Tawny's nose wrinkled in disdain. Her voice lowered, a muttered complaint, but Kieran heard every word. "I should have just had them get rid of her."

Kieran's blood ran cold as ice. His heart, for a moment, forgot how to beat. Realization hit him like a truckload of bricks and cement. 

"What did you say?"

"Nothing." Tawny backpedaled quickly, which made Kieran even more suspicious.

Forgetting that he had been trying to put distance between them, Kieran stalked back to Tawny's side of the counter. "Tawny, what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything." Tawny took a step back, as if she suddenly feared what might happen. "I just... might've... mentioned your Girl Friday to Patrick last time he was here."

"And?" Kieran took another step closer.

Tawny took one more step back. "I might have mentioned that she was getting in my way. That maybe Patrick could help me out."

It made too much sense, now that it had been brought into the light. Patrick couldn't have known about Naomi without someone telling him. And if Kieran left Tawny, Patrick would no longer have leverage over him. So the two had hatched the plan together.

"I did everything you ever wanted." Kieran barely kept himself under control. Much more and he might snap altogether. "I gave up everything for you. And this is what you do in return?"

"She was getting in the way of our happiness."

That was the final straw. Kieran lost his temper. "Naomi didn't do anything to you, Tawny! I broke her heart to stay with you!"

"Then why are you leaving me now?"

Kieran bent his head, struggling to breathe and struggling even harder to find the words to speak. He was through with Tawny's twisted mind. Her never-ending obsessive behavior.

"Get out."

"What do you mean? This is my home—"

"I said... get out." Kieran toned down his voice, but it came out so taught that even he could hear the fury behind the words. "This isn't your home. It's mine. And I want you to leave."

"What about your promise?"

"I never said I would marry you. I never even said I'd date you. And you've clearly been spoiled by my passiveness." Kieran balled his hands into fists at his sides. "Get your things. Get out."

"I don't want—"

"That doesn't matter anymore." Kieran pointed a finger toward the door. "Leave. And never come near me or Naomi ever again."

Kieran would never know if it was shock, fear, or obstinacy that spurred Tawny's next actions. But no matter what motivated her, Tawny started to gather her things. And for that, Kieran would forever be grateful.  

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