chapter seven | welcome to D.C. part one

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Autumn Benet

Friday Afternoon, 2:15 pm

Three hours and nine minutes later, and we have finally made it to Washington, D.C.! While everyone else had just woken up from their naps that they took while on the train, Josh, Wynslow, Paisley, and Penelope were acting as if they were kids on a sugar rush.

With this being Wynslow and Josh's hometown—and how bad they talk about it—-you would think that they wouldn't be excited to be here, but I guess even a place you used to live can apply to the saying "you don't know what you've got until it's no longer available to you" because these two were telling us everything.

Wynslow's book signing was scheduled to be tomorrow at noon, so we were using today as the day for both Wynslow and Josh to give us a little "tour" of the parts of the DMV that they grew up in.

Of course, we would be going to I believe they said two different parts, because although Wynslow was born in D.C, she lived there up until she was 6 years old then moved to PG County, Maryland, while Josh grew up in Montgomery County in Silver Springs, Maryland.

But first, of course, Wynslow suggested that we go straight to the Wizards practice facility. We all were wondering what trick she had up her sleeve, because she had that same grin on her face she always made when she was plotting.

Usually, I was for all of her shenanigans, but I don't know what it was about today that made it feel like something was about to shift.

I didn't know if it was good or bad.

"What do you have up your sleeve, Wynnie," Paisley asked in a hushed tone.

The boys were walking behind us, having their own hushed conversations. It seemed as if all of us had our little secrets to withhold or private conversations to be held at the moment. It was kind of weird for us to be separated in a way, but at the same time, I sure that there was a reason.

"Yeah," Penelope says. "We all know that you HATE D.C. so, what in the world possessed you to be so excited about coming to D.C?"

Wynslow glanced around, then a smirk formed on her face. "So...basically, I got a new man under my belt."

Ivy threw her hands in the air. "I knew it!" she exclaimed. "I fucking knew it! Stefon owes me twenty bucks now!"

"You guys placed a bet---nevermind," Wynslow shook her head in disbelief. "Yeah...uhm, he's been trying to get at me for the past year or so, and I had been holding off on pursuing him because I was figuring things out with Donte, but now that I see that he is way too hung up on being there for his ex, I figured that I would just go for it, you know? See where it leads."

I frowned. "Now, Wynnie. You know that you and Donte are like two peas in a pod. Nothing is ever over for the both of you."

Wynslow nodded. "No, it is. I'm sick of going back and forth all the time. He continuously lets her get in between the two of us, so I meant what I said when I said that I was done."

"So, who's the guy?" Josiah asks.

"Corey," she says with a soft smile. Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink as she spoke his name. "Corey Kispert. You know, the white guy that plays with Jordan and Kyle?"

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