chapter eighteen | clean pt.1...

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Many things crossed my mind as I stepped off the train to New York, but the main thing that was stuck in my head was that I would have to tell Penelope that Mikal had impregnated Little Ms.Whoville and not Donte.

It had been exactly three weeks since I had gotten those messages from Morgan explaining everything. I didn't know how I would be able to deliver this news, nor did I know who I wanted to tell first.

I had been sitting in uncomfortable silence on Paisley's couch. At the same time, everyone played Uno, occasionally getting into small spurts of arguments because of being skipped or hit with either a Draw 2 or Draw 4.

I was having an internal battle about who I would tell first about Mikal being the father of Morgan's child—Donte or Penelope? I didn't want to tell everyone because I didn't want to be an accessory to anyone's murder—by anyone, I mean Mikal's, of course.

"Wynnie," Paisley says. "Are you okay? You've been kind of...well, quiet and that's not you."

"Uh...actually, I do need to tell you guys something.." I said, looking directly at Donte and Penelope. "It's pretty bad.."

Donte immediately got on high alert and raised an eyebrow, "Is everything okay? What's going on?"

I took a short pause and looked around the room seeing that all eyes were on me. Everyone seemingly wanted to know what news that I had to share, and it was making me anxious. Now, I didn't even want to say anything, but I couldn't back out. I knew that I had to tell them.

"So...Whoville texted me about three weeks ago regarding her pregnancy and she apologized to me.." I began.

Paisley raised an eyebrow. "Ironic. She waits what? Seven years to apologize to you after she tormented the hell out of you and ruined you and Donte's relationship all together?"

Cam scowled. "What is she even apologizing for? Carrying Donte's baby? Like I'm lost..."

"Do you need me to push her down some stairs?" Ivy offers. "I'll do it because I'm sick of her ass."

Josiah nodded. "No really," he says. "All she does is walk around and start shit. Like grow up, I'm tired of this shit."

Penelope scowled. "Donte, you better get your Whoville Resident before Ivy gets her hands on her."

Donte held his hands up. "I don't got shit to do with that lady."

"Can I talk now?" I asked sarcastically.

"Right," Josh says. "Sorry..."

Stefon sighed and pulled his hood over his head, resting his head on Ivy's shoulder. "Ight, I'm comfortable now. Spill the tea."

"Well..." I say, taking a deep breath. "She texted me telling me that she had been lying when she said Donte was the father of her child."

"I KNOW YOU FUCKIN LYING!" Ivy shouted, standing up so fast that Stefon flipped off the couch.

Josh paused and shook his head, holding up his hand. ", if...if Donte isn't the father...then WHO is?"

I glanced over at Penelope and gave her a sad smile. She raised an eyebrow in confusion, glancing around the room for a moment, then looked back at me.

"What are you looking at me like that for?" she asks. "I ain't get her pregnant! I don't even have a dick—."

Josiah frowned. "Bro, Penn," he says. "I don't think that's what she meant."

"Well, what do you mean, Wyn?" Penelope asks.

"I mean, the father of her child is Mikal."

Everyone's jaws dropped in shock and the room went silent. There were blank stares on both Donte and Penelope's faces and everyone was watching them, waiting for them to react in some kind of way. They were as still as stone and I just didn't understand why they were so quiet.

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