chapter sixteen | begin again...

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"These are some amazing ideas, Autumn," Caroline, my supervisor says. "I can't wait until we can bring these designs to life."

My entire face lit up as Caroline approved my designs, as she slipped the folder into the file cabinet with an approving smile that made the weight on my chest magically disappear.

With everything going on in my life, this was the bit of sunshine that I needed in my life. I had worked sleepless nights in order to finish these deigns and perfect them, and seeing that she was pleased was like the rose growing from the concrete in my life.

"Also, before you take lunch," Caroline says. "I wanted to let you know that you're being considered for a collaboration with St. Laurent and Dior, but you're neck and neck with Wynter. Keep designing like this and the collab is yours."


I had been avoiding her since I returned back to work after taking a few days off. She had come to my office couple of times, but I simply pretended that I was extremely busy or wasn't there. I had no reason to converse with her, especially after this entire Nic ordeal.

"Thank you," I said with a bright smile. "I'll be sure to send in some extra designs for you come next week."

Caroline shook her head. "I would need them by Friday."

What the hell.

"Even better." I replied with a smile before leaving her office.

I left Caroline's office with a smile on my face that was sadly ripped away from me the moment I saw him standing outside of my office.

Nic was standing outside of my office with a bouquet of blue roses in his hands and a nervous look on his face. I frowned at the familiar looking bouquet in his hands, wondering what possessed him to even think about coming here to my place of work.

Did he know that this was only going to humiliate me more?! I didn't need this in my life. I didn't need him, the biggest mistake of my life, to be here right now.

I was finally at a place where I was somewhat happy and at peace and here he came, RUINING IT for me. The universe must be praying on my downfall, because this is simply ironic and unacceptable.

"You do realize you're waiting at the wrong office, right," I said, glaring at him. "Wynter's is that way. Not right here."

Nic turned to face me. "Nah, I'm standing in front of the right office," he says. "I was waiting for you."

"So you can give me the same bouquet of flowers that you sent Wynter last week?" I replied with a smirk. "Yeah, right."

Nic frowned at the statement I made and nodded. "I just thought that—."

"One of your tricks would work on me?" I scoffed. "I'm not Wynter. I'm immune to your tricks, Nicolas. So..."

"I seen you been hanging out with Ahmad.." Nic says. "I gotta be honest, I...I don't like it."

I opened my mouth to say something, but just as the words were about to come out of my mouth, this happened:

"It isn't really your place to say what you like or don't like in her
life anymore, now is it, Nic?"

The sound of Ahmad's voice shocked both Nic and I. I watched as he walked up behind me in a protective manner. He had on all black and simple Gucci slides, but of course, he most definitely looked insanely handsome, but that was none of my business.

Nic looked between Ahmad and I and shook his head. "Look, Autumn, I'm sorry. I know that I hurt you...but, seriously? Moving on to the next nigga so fast? Have some respect, damn!"

"Some respect? I have respect for myself," I snapped. "You don't have any respect for yourself you selfish bastard!"

Ahmad stepped in front of me and glared at Nic. "Look, bruh, I don't know what shit you on right now, but dead it. She ain't your girl anymore, you need to keep it pushing with the shorty you got on your arm now, because I can tell you that she's watching this whole ordeal now.

Second, you don't need to part your lips and say shit about respect, because when she was dealing with you, you was the only nigga she was messing with. You were the disrespectful one to yourself and to her. So you can't even speak on the topic of respect."

Nic glared at Ahmad. "I don't think I was talking to you."

"But I'm speaking to you now," Ahmad says in a calm manner, getting in Nic's face. "Now what?"

It was silent between Ahmad and Nic. For a second, Nic looked as if he was going to swing, but he backed down and stormed off down the hall. Ahmad and I turned around, and to my surprise, Wynter was indeed watching from the end of the hallway.

Oh spare me.

"Nic what happen—."

Nic didn't even acknowledge Wynter. In fact, when she reached out for him, he snatched his arm away from her and continued storming down the hallway. Wynter then locked eyes with me, narrowing her eyes into slits before storming off down the hall after him.

Once they were out of sight, I let out the breath I had been holding and stepped into my office, Ahmad following behind me and shutting the door behind us.

"You okay?" He asks. "You seem flustered."

I nodded my head as I sat down at my desk. "I am, thank you," I assured him. "But you didn't have to do that. Really, it's just Nic."

"I know," he says. "But, I wanted to."

Ahmad and I had been hanging out lately. Not alone, really, but with the rest of the group, to make it easier on me, especially since I'm in the process of reviving my reputation at the moment. I didn't need anymore stress or unwanted attention.

Plus, he and I were just friends, nothing more, nothing less. He knew that and everyone else in the group knew that even though Ivy and Stefon were determined to set the two of us up with each other. Honestly, I was running out of excuses and reasons as to why I couldn't be with Ahmad.

"Look, I know that you like me," I told him. "It's pretty obvious and honestly, I've seen your DM's that you've sent me before we even met. Now that we're cool, I know that you're probably hoping for something more, but, I'm really not in the mental state to be in or prepare to be in anything romantic with someone right now."

Ahmad smirks and nods his head. "I know," he says. "I'm in no rush. I'm moving at your pace, Benet. Whatever you're down and comfortable with, I'm along for the ride, trust me."


"Really." He says. "I'll wait for you. As long as it takes.."

* * *


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