chapter fourteen | too late to apologize ?

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HE HAD NEVER CHASED AFTER A girl before in his life. In fact, he was used to having the girls chase after him. That's what he liked about Wynslow, even when he first met her and it was obvious that she wanted him, she didn't chase after him. She matched his energy, and sometimes, she didn't even pay him any mind.

He was in a "she fell first, he fell harder" situation and a part of him wondered how in the world he allowed himself to get into this situation, but he also knew that he wouldn't allow himself to lose the girl that was able to put a genuine smile on his face no matter what mood he was in.

Although, this was his first time ever chasing after a girl, he knew that this was the only person he'd chase. Hell, he'd follow her to the ends of the earth if it were possible.

It was something about hearing her say the word we in regards to the Wizards triggered something inside of him, and it wasn't good. It was pure jealousy. He knew that he shouldn't be jealous, but he couldn't help himself.

What did everyone expect? For him to just sit by and watch Wynslow move on with someone that isn't him? He hadn't ever thought that he and Wynslow would officially be over. He knew they had their ups and downs, but he has always thought that they would get through them.

Maybe this is just a break, he would think to himself. She'll come back...

The more time passed, the less he would believe in that ever present thought in his head whenever he saw her. The more she spoke about her relationship with Corey and how "great" he was, the more he felt like he was losing her, and it was killing him.

"Wynslow!" he shouted, following her outside.

Wynslow shook her head, ignoring the sound of Donte's voice and walked over to her car, opening the door. Donte's long strides got him over to her in a few seconds, and he shut the door, standing in front of her.

"I know you heard me," He says. "Why are you ignoring me? Why are you being rude to me? What did I do to you—."

Wynslow glared at him. "What did you do to me? I want you to think about that for a moment...What did you do to me. What didn't you do to me!"

"Okay, I know that was a bad question to ask but—."

"Donte, stop..." Wynslow said shaking her head.

Donte let out a sigh, "Do you know how it feels to see you be with someone else? To talk about your relationship with him in front of not have you? That shit kills me."

"Then it's gonna have to keep killing you then, Donte," She says with a shrug. "I had to deal with your back and forth with Morgan and you didn't realize that it was killing me!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything..." He exclaimed. "You deserve better, I know that! I fucked up, I know that! And I'm sorry...I never wanted to hurt you, believe me. But I'm not gonna sit here and apologize for how I react when I have to hear about you being with someone else."

"Donte, STOP," Wynslow snapped. "I'm not your problem anymore, okay? Sure, we're friends, but—."

Donte scoffed. "Friend? Wynslow, when have you and I ever been just friends? Never. There's always been something between us even if we didn't act on it. You think I'm gonna go back to that? No. I don't wanna be your friend just so I can have half of you."

Wynslow shrugged. "Okay, then we're nothing." she says, opening her car door.

"What does that mean?!" Donte asked as she shut the car door and locked it.

Wynslow ignored him and pulled out of the parking lot, leaving Donte standing there in the middle of the parking lot in the pouring rain. 

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