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When it stopped, I turned around and looked into the eyes of...

"Voldemort?" I asked and looked at him strangely.

He grinned." So you're no longer on the old man's side? Maybe it would be an advantage for everyone if you came to our side Harry." Only now I noticed that we were not alone there were also Bellatrix, Greyback, the Lestrange, Narzissa and Luzius Malfoy, Barty Jr., Sirius, Remus and Snape.

I looked at Tom again. Yes, I just called Voldemort Tom, but I don't care.

I was trying so much in my mind that I didn't notice how Snape came forward and my shoulder roughly leased then we already appeared.

When we apparently arrived, I tore myself away from him." Just because I didn't answer you means that I'm coming with you, but I would have answered yes either way"

Voldemort laughed. " Even if you had refused, you would be here. But since you have accepted my offer, I will introduce you to my plan right away and I also need your help. I'll explain the plan to you now and you others go! You already know him."

When everyone left, Tom turned to me "Come, we're going to my office to discuss everything in peace"

I followed him silently into the office. The walls were made of dark walnut just like the floor, in addition, a dark green carpet always decorated in the middle of the floor, sometimes there were still plants, windows or pictures.

When we got him to his office, he opened Gentleman-Like the door. I stepped in and was amazed. The walls were like in the hallway the floor also on the wall was a matching bookshelf once on the right once on the left with many books in it, next to it a dark green sofa and the floor had a dark- in light-green carpet. Then I saw an oak table in front of it a matching chair and behind it a matching office chair behind it was a window where you could see that it was storming outside. Tom went to the chair while he turned into Tom Marvolo Riddel only in 30. I had trouble not blushing, he looked so good.

Yes, I am gay. So what? But that's a lot of people back to the topic. Tom sat on the office chair and I sat on the chair then he began to tell.

"Harry, I'll start from the beginning, it's like this. We found out that you actually only mean well with everyone, so we decided to pull you on our side. That's why we made a plan to look for you and bring you here. Now you're probably wondering why I used Legelmnis with you. I just did it to see if the old man gave you something, but then that came and I knew you were on our side.

You're probably wondering why I'm in my old body. But I always had a glamour about it. Since I'm already there, I'll tell you everything you need to know.

Harry, in the Minesterium there is the prophecy, but I don't mean the one where Dumbledore told you, but the real one, but only you and including you can get it. I would ask you to get them with us, would that be okay with you?" I nodded "Good, but then you have to put on a mask and a cape. So that if someone comes, they don't recognize you. Since it is the end of the school year, I ask you to come to us. We will then pick you up as the Dursley, don't worry the real Dursley we will give a forgotten potion, but now you have to go or you'll miss the train!" I nodded and as if called Snape came with my things and we appeared in an alley at the train station.

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