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In front of me stood a redhead girl with an Avada green eyes and an obsidisan eye

She looked like she was made of glass and had a petite body, the face looked like Mom's." Wow, is that me?" I breathed. Tom put his hands on my waist and pulled me to him and hugged me from behind with a sadistic smile „Yes Hadiran that's you."

I smiled happy and truly happy to finally be me. „Don't you miss something?" I looked at Tom on „What?" He grinned, put both hands on my head and scratched me. I purred into his chest.

After a few minutes he listened to my answer? Hissing.

I looked up at him pouting at his chest. And he just laughs, I pouted even more, which made me laugh even more. Suddenly Serverus came in. Angry, he looked at Tom then at me but a little more gently.

Schnurstracks he came towards me took my hand gently, but firmly and pulled me faster than I could react into a room.

„Dad, what was that supposed to be?"

„I want you to sleep with me all night! Not with your companions, in the end he does something illegal" the last he grumbles so that I hardly understood anything, but when I understood it I blushed.

„ Dad... Tom won't do it soooo early... but tell me why did I purr earlier when Tom scratched me?"

Dad looked at me in disbelief, shook his head and said amused „Harry... you are like your mother a Neko and therefore of course also have a Neko tail and ears."

How could I forget that?! My dad and I still used the afternoon together and he brought dinner up to me because he didn't want me to go to Tom's! Or wait I'll quote, you spend the day with me and tomorrow with Tom, but I'm not quite sure if it really happens. At some point I fell asleep.

But I asked myself one question. How did Dad manage to get Tom from finding me?

At Night/Tomarry English Where stories live. Discover now