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He began to speak "Harry, as Lucius has probably already told you, I will first choose your room, then come we will go to your room." He got up and went ahead in Harry's room.

When they arrived at Harry's room. He was out of breath.

It was big the walls were in a dark brown a fireplace burned in the corner. A window sill where you could look at the garden, a desk with chair and a green-black four-poster bed.

Tom grinned when he saw my reaction and I smiled back. "Now that you've looked at everything, we're coming to the genetic tests." Since I already knew how it works, he doesn't have to explain anything to me.

I stabbed my finger with the dagger he gave me and dripped three drops of blood on the paper.

After a while everything came and I was shocked.

Fake certificate of birth

(Blood adoption)

Tested person: Harry James Potter

Father: James Potter (dead)

Mother: Lilly Potter not Evans (dead)

Animagus: none

Magical being: none

Additional skills: None


Potter House

Potter Tresor

Potter holiday home

Mate: none

Birth certificate

Tested person: Hardrian Alex Snape- Evans

Father: Serverus Tohmas Snape ( alive )

Mother: Lilly Evans (unknown)

Animagus: Cat, snake and leopard

Magical creature: Neko


Potter House

Potter Tresor

Potter holiday home







Tom Marvolo Riddel

And sorry about the short chapters, I'll see that I'll make them longer again🙈

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