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I nodded and as if called Snape came with my things and we appeared in an alley at the train station.

I was just about to go further when Snape stopped me.

"Harry, I know we didn't have the best start, but I want to make up for it! That's why I'm going to make Serverus Snape an official Slytherin!"

When Snape finished speaking, we both lit up green. Before I could even open my mouth, Snape said "I never hated you, I just have to pretend in front of Dumbledore. Because he gives us both hate potions on each other and with you who knows what else. I- I-Uh would you like to be my son? I know that's sudden, but if you liked it, I mean you need a father and-" He couldn't talk any further, I already hugged him.

"Thank you, that really means a lot to me. I would like to be your son, Dad" I felt myself being hugged back and enjoyed the feeling.

It was good to have the feeling of being loved.

After a while we broke up and I saw that Dad had tears in his eyes.

I wiped away his tears and hugged him again briefly. "Thank you," I whispered into his chest. We were interrupted by pipes of the train. I hurried to get on the train.

I looked for an empty compartment. Because I didn't want to see my friends.

Thanks to Merlin, I found one.

I went in and got a book about magic potions.

What no one knows is that he is better in potions. But he had never dared to show himself.

The locomotive stopped. Time has flown by. I slammed the book.

Waited briefly until everyone was gone, which went pretty quickly.

Then I ran out and looked for the fake Dursley when I found her.

I went over and Fake Vernon Dursley said, "Boy, let's go!" In a strict tone.

We got into the car, Putina and Vernon in the front Dudley in the back with me.

As soon as we drove into an alley. Putina turned into Narcissus, Vernon into Lucius and Dudley into Draco. The Malfoys...

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