Chapter 2

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Part of Charlie's condition was Bella had to hang out with some of her friends in Forks. So she had gone out shopping with a girl called Jessica Stanley - whom I vaguely remembered.

While I didn't go to school at Forks High School, I did remember some of the inhabitants. I came to visit Charlie a lot more often than she ever did, which was a shame really. Maybe if she had come down to Forks more they would have a more wholesome relationship, and Charlie would know what to do about her situation more.

Truth be told, Bella and I weren't all that close. Granted we do know a lot about each other, but that was years of living together. Not once did Bella call me while I was away for college, and when I did call her it was short conversations before she had to go because of the Cullens, or because she was just busy at home. Which I could respect, but did you not have time for anyone else other than your boyfriend's family?

Shaking my head, I sighed as I closed my laptop - done for the day. I couldn't think like that right now. Bella was going through something hard, and who was I to judge? I didn't know Edward. I had known about the Cullens, but since I didn't go to school at Forks I had never met any of them besides the doctor - and he seemed nice enough. Well respected within the community for his feats at the hospital.

"Dad, I'm done for the day. I'm going to head down to the beach, is that okay?" I glanced over at him as he sat on the couch, watching some type of sport game. It looked like football, and I rolled my eyes at that.

Grunting, dad turned to look at me - a beer in his hand. "Sure sweetheart, just be careful alright? There's been a lot of animal attacks, though I'm sure they wouldn't go on the beach where there's people there." He seemed to be assuring himself more so than anything else. "Just... stay out of the woods, alright?" He placated, and I nodded my head.

"Sure. I never go into them anyway," I walked over to kiss his cheek, smirking when he blushed at the affection. "I won't be gone for too long. I just need some fresh air, and Bella's not back yet from her playdate with her friend." I snickered at my choice of words.

Chuckling at my joke, he gives me a warm smile. "Sure honey. Have fun." His eyes wandered back to the game and a part of me even wondered if he knew what game was playing, or if he was watching because it was football.

Shaking my head fondly, I grabbed the book I had planned on reading while I relaxed down there. I had my blanket already in my car, and my bathing suit underneath my clothes in case I had decided to get into the water - though I knew that wasn't going to happen. It was good to be prepared either way.

Even though I could have power walked my way to La Push beach, I had decided to drive down - which was only a ten minute drive from the house. Which was great whenever I needed to wind down from a harsh school day. Laying out my spot, I stretched like a cat before opening the book to where I had last left off.

"Elaine?" A familiar soft voice called out, causing me to look up. I grinned when I saw who it was, closing the book I had been reading. Emily Young stood with her fiance Sam Uley and another boy who looked to be my age. I had been semi-close with Emily, hanging out with her often as she was becoming acquainted with La Push.

"Emily!" I grinned bigger as I made my way towards her, engulfing her in a hug. "Wow, it's been a while, how are you? Still gorgeous as ever!" I had noticed a gaping scar across her eye, but chose to ignore it. She still looked beautiful as always and I had missed her.

Giggling, she hugged me back. "I thought that was you! How's school? Why are you here, I had thought you were in college?" She pulled away from me slightly with a soft frown on her face.

Shrugging, I glanced over to Sam, who was giving me an appraising look. "Dad called me. Said Bella was going through a breakup, so I'm here on damage control." I shrugged, shaking my head. "I moved my classes online and they said I could come back if I wanted to. Whose this?" I wondered, glancing over to the boy. He looked like a deer caught at a headlight, and Sam was smirking down at him.

Emily giggled and I suddenly felt like I was a butt of a joke for some reason. "That's Paul Lahote. Paul, this is Elaine Swan. She's Isabella Swan's older sister, and Charlie Swan's eldest."

I put up two fingers. "By two years," I grinned, smirking. Bella had always hated that I was older, and I would make sure to always tell her. Though here recently she had wanted to stay young, which was a rather new predicament. I wondered if that had anything to do with Edward Cullen. "Nice to meet you, Paul." I smile at him, holding my hand out for him to shake.

Sam nudged the boy, making Paul shake his head as he smirked at me. "Likewise, Swan. How long are you here for?" He wondered as he shook my hand. His skin was scorching to the touch, and I wondered if he was sick. Though Sam had always been warm himself, so maybe it was just a Quillete thing.

Shrugging I let go of his hand, immediately missing the warmth. Though I had no idea why, I had just met him. "As long as it takes to get Bella back to her old self. Though with me moving all my classes online, I can stay down here for as long as I want." I had planned to stay for at least a year - I had missed my father, and wanted to re-acquaint myself with my Forks friends. Not that I had many, but I had kept in touch with a few of them.

"Maybe we can hang out sometime? Grab some coffee?" Paul looked nervous. It was an interesting look on his face, and I could tell that he wasn't usually the nervous type.

With a soft smile I nodded. "Sure Lahote, here you can put your number in." I fished out my phone from my back pocket, handing it to the boy as he did what I told him to. Emily was practically beaming as she watched the exchange, and Sam had a smug look on his face. It was like they knew something I didn't, which put me a little on edge. "I'll text you so you have my number."

Paul grins at me, showing me his pearly whites. "Deal. There's a nice coffee shop in La Push, we can go there and get to know each other sometime."

That sounded great, and getting to know the area seemed like something I would love to do. While I knew Forks semi-well, I never had a reason to get to know La Push. Mostly because I wasn't native to the area, and it would have been awkward for someone who wasn't Quillete walking around.

"I'm looking forward to it!" And the start of a new adventure had begun, my world turning upside down before I even knew it. 

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