Chapter 3

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"Leah, congratulations!" Emily grins when her cousin walks in with a beaming smile on her face. I smirked, having already been here before her. I was telling Emily about our day yesterday, knowing she would be ecstatic for her cousin.

Leah turned to glare at me and I give her two thumbs up, not even deterred by the glare that was meant to be threatening. "You just had to tell her, huh?" She scoffed, though she wasn't offended in the least. I knew she was just dying to tell someone about her newfound imprint that I had so graciously lead her to.

Not that I knew she would imprint on Destiny, mind you. I just found all of this hilarious. And Leah didn't even want to come with me to this meet up in the first place. Bet she doesn't regret that decision now.

"You know it!" I winked at her and she rolled her eyes, a small smile on her face. "I know you hung out today." I commented with a grin. Ever since the meet up, Destiny had been hounding me with questions. While we had always kept in touch, this was the most that she's ever texted me in a long time.

While I wasn't as charismatic as some people, I did appreciate the friends that I had. I wasn't like Bella, who could go days without talking to her friends - at least, her human friends. I had to at least try and keep in contact with them, try to hang out every now and then to let them know they were appreciated.

I was an ambivert. While I could be charismatic and extroverted, I did need my alone time. Needed to recharge before the next big hangout.

"She texted you?" Leah perked up at that, walking over to me and sitting down at the stool beside mine. Emily was plating the muffins as she glanced between us, a small smile on her face. I know Emily had been worried about Leah, and she felt immensely guilty that Sam had imprinted on her - but it wasn't her fault. The wolves couldn't choose who they imprint on, that was just a known fact. No matter how they try to imprint on someone, the spirits knows who they should end up with.

And the spirits chose Destiny for Leah, and Emily for Sam.

Just as I was for Paul. I'd forever thank the spirits for leading me to him. As they say, fate falls where it may, and works in mysterious ways.

"She's been asking me questions. Likes, dislikes, how long we've been friends." I counted on my fingers each thing, smirking. "She really likes you. You going to ask her out?" I tilted my head to the side, reaching for a muffin. The boys were out doing who knew what, so I had been hanging out with Emily until they came back. Paul had something he wanted to tell me, and I was both excited and nervous.

Shrugging, Leah smiles at the thought. "Yeah. She gave me her number before we left, and we've been texting a little bit." I raised an eyebrow at that. Now Destiny failed to give me that little bit of information, but she was a very forward person. If she saw something she liked she went for it, so I wasn't surprised that she gave Leah her number. Destiny had always been the bolder one out of the two of us.

Emily giggled, eyes shimmering. "That's so cute. It sounds like you two are really hitting it off," she smirks, her eyes literally sparkling.

"I wanted to apologize for the way I treated you," Leah turns towards Emily, whose eyes widen in surprise. "I know now that you didn't mean to hurt me the way you did. And... I know now what imprinting means. It doesn't make me any less hurt, because I loved Sam, but I do understand better." A small smile formed on my face at the apology. Leah was trying, and that was more than what anyone else could say if they were in their situation.

Who knew the situation knew it was hard, but now it was beginning to be put in the past. I knew Emily wanted nothing but to be close to Leah again, and this was the step in the right direction for that.

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