Chapter 11

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Standing with Leah and Destiny, a small smile fitted onto my face as I watched the festivities. It was always a blast to watch the pack interact with each other, it was as if they were an actual family. They might as well have been, considering all the things they went through together.

"Laney!" A familiar voice piped up and I turned to see Seth bounding over to me, a beaming smile on his face. "Your sister and dad is here!" He chirped and I sighed, not ready for the days events. It wasn't really dad that I was worried about.

Bella was the one that I was worried about.

"Thanks Sethy," I ruffled his hair fondly, already seeing Paul talking to dad. Bella was with Jacob and his gaggle of high school friends, who I knew she already knew before they became wolves - so she was more comfortable with them than the others. "Go get some food before the others eat it all." I told him with a smirk, making the boy rush off before all the food could be gone.

Waving towards Leah and Destiny, I walk over to where Paul was talking to dad. "Hey there, Laney!" Dad grins when he sees me, pulling into a hug. "I was just telling your fiancée here that I won't be able to stay for the entire thing. I have to get to work in about an hour." He informs me as Paul pulls me into his arms.

I pout at that, even though I knew that he had to work before he even told me. "That's too bad, Billy and Old Quil were going to tell some legend stories later," I commented with a soft smile, sharing a look with Paul.

Dad laughs at that, a twinkle in his eyes. "Billy did have the flare for story telling," he smirks, nodding his head. It was such a shame that I couldn't tell dad that the stories were real, but it was for his own safety that he didn't know. "It was almost as if he believed the stories he was telling." Only if you knew, dad, only if you knew...

"Laney!" Seth's voice called out to me, causing me to turn towards the young boy who bounded his way back over. "Oh, hi Chief!" Seth grins when he sees dad, turning back towards me. "Tell Jacob I'm the best here!" Seth whined, making me laugh as Jacob walked over - Bella in tow, looking quite nervous.

Smirking I turned to look at Jacob, who was giving me a challenging look. "Seth's the best here," I echoed with a shrug. "I don't make the rules Jake, Sethy does." Seth cheered, beaming and if he was in his wolf form I was sure his tail would be wagging in glee.

"See Jake? Told you so!"

Jacob rolled his eyes, patting Seth's head in a condescending kind of way. "She only said that to make you feel better, bub. Sorry if what she says is lies." I narrowed my eyes at Jake as he smirked, giving me a raised eyebrow look.

"I never lie. Ask Paul." I turned towards my fiancée with a smirk on my face, who looked put off that I was getting him involved at all in this little fight. If that's what this even was.

"Don't get me involved, doll!" Paul raises his hands up in surrender. "This feels like a trap and I am not going to fall for it!" I laughed at that, not noticing how dad was smiling at us softly as he walked over to where Billy and Old Quil were sitting. "You think your old man will stay for the legends?" Paul asked, watching as he talked with the elders.

"Legends?!" Bella squeaked, her eyes wide as we all looked at each other in curiosity. "Are you sure it's okay for me to be here, Jake? Maybe I should go home..." Bella trails off with a frown, making me sigh at how she as acting.

"Bella, if it wasn't alright for you to be here Billy would have sent you home by now," I pointed out with a roll of my eyes. She glares at me at the comment and I just stare back at her, unfazed. Her attitude was starting to piss me off.

If she didn't want to be here for my engagement party all she had to do was say so, not let the legends be the reason for her not to be here.

Jacob nods, agreeing with me. "Besides, I vouched for you to be here." I knew if it wasn't for him she wouldn't be here at all. She'd be with her boy toy in Forks, whittling away to become a vampire.

Dusk till Dawn | Paul Lahote ✔️Where stories live. Discover now