Chapter 15

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Harry didn't make it.

Furthermore on the disappointment factor, Bella had gone to Italy without telling any of us she had made the decision to go. Granted it was totally last minute, and Jacob had told me it was because her boy toy was planning on killing himself after thinking Bella had done the same to herself... it didn't make it right. Despite the fact that I had just learned my baby sister tried killing herself jumping off a cliff, right after we had found out Harry had died from his heart attack.

To say our house was an emotional wreck was an understatement of the century. Dad was beating himself up, knowing Bella just up and left. We didn't know if she was coming back, or at least coming back human.

Sue tried keeping him busy, and I thanked her for that. Especially since her own children had shifted due to the emotional distress of their fathers death.

I hadn't known Leah well. Granted we knew each other in passing, but she had always been with Sam. They'd been childhood friends, and had been engaged previously before Sam broke it off with her due to being a werewolf and imprinting on Emily. I couldn't even imagine the emotional turmoil the girl was going through, knowing that her cousin was marrying the man she thought she'd be with forever.

And Seth... he was only fifteen. He did not deserve to be a werewolf, and I had always known him to be a mild kid. Never one to let his anger get the better of him.

Standing in front of the mirror, I admired myself. Wearing a short sleeved black dress that rested just above the knees as it flared at the ends. I wore a gorgeous rose-gold chain with a wolf pendant that Paul had gotten me, and a pair of black short heels. My brunette hair done up in a messy bun, I was ready.

Paul was sitting on my bed, oddly quiet. Dressed in his own black suit and tie, with black dress shoes, he seemed loss in thought. Frowning I walked over to sit beside him as he absentmindedly wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to his chest. I snuggled into his side, kissing the side of his neck as he ran his hand up and down my back. "You okay?" I asked him, knowing he wasn't okay.

"Harry... was like a father to me," he admits with a sigh. "He accepted me. Let me help out whenever I needed the cash, and checked up on me because of my dope-head of a father. It's just... weird... to know that he's gone and won't be able to do that anymore." He pulls me closer to him and I give him a sad look. Harry was a big part of the community in La Push.

Everyone was going to be mourning.

"He was always that weird uncle that came around," I laughed, smiling softly at some of the memories. "Harry and dad have always been close. I'm worried about how my dad will be, especially since Bella's done this disappearing act to save her boy toy." I scoffed at that, earning a chuckle from Paul at the nickname I gave him.

To say I wasn't pleased was an understatement.

To make matters worse, she knew about Harry's passing. Knew about it because Jacob had told her, and she still didn't think about the emotional distress dad was going to be under if she ran away like this. What about all the effort I put into trying to make her feel better? Only for her to run back to the very thing that made her that way in the first place.

She would be knowing how hurt I am over this, and I would not make it easy for her to get my forgiveness.

"He'll have you," Paul reassured me, kissing my temple. "He'll have Sue, and Billy. Hell, I'll help in any way that I can. Your dad will be fine, babe." In my heart I knew he would be. My dad had always been a fighter, never one to give up. Always willing to help out someone when they needed it, even if he was a little awkward. That was just how he had always been.

I just wish Bella wasn't so selfish that she would take that for granted.

The funeral had been a beautiful service. La Push truly loved Harry, and they made sure that he would know that. A few people from Forks had come over, having known Harry in passing. Harry had been charismatic, making friends with everybody - despite they're differences.

Seeing Leah Clearwater sitting by herself I kissed Paul on the cheek, walking over to her. Sitting beside her I placed my hands on my lap. "I'm sorry about your dad, Leah. He was a great man." I told her gently, making her smile softly at that. "You know, if you need anything you can always come over to the Swan residence. I'll always be happy to hear you vent, we can have a sleepover and make so much junk food that it'll make us sick. Watch some cheesy movies, and eat ice cream. Just come over whenever you want," I smile at her, earning a surprised look.

"Even if all I do is vent about Emily and Sam? I know you're friends with them," she nods over to the couple, biting her lip in anguish. "I know... I know now why they're together, but it doesn't make it hurt any less... you know?" She shakes her head free from whatever thought she was thinking of. "And now... my dad is dead because of me. How am I supposed to live with that?"

I blinked in surprise at her confession. "Leah, your dads death wasn't your fault!" I admonished, earning a scoff from the girl.

"Elaine, he died because I shifted." She said flatly, and I winced. "At least he had the heart attack because of it. Girls aren't supposed to shift." She added as an afterthought, tears falling down her cheeks.

I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "Just because you're different doesn't mean it's a bad thing. You're unique, and for the record, I like unique." I winked at her, smiling when she laughed a little. "I'm always willing to listen to whatever you have to say, Leah. And don't let the boys get to you. You joined them under abnormal circumstances. They'll come around," I promised her. "And if they don't, you can always come to me and I'll force them to come around." I smirked, smiling softly when she laughs again.

"Thanks. I'll think about your offer," she compromises and I nod, pulling my hand away from her shoulder. "Paul's really lucky to have you, you know." She murmurs softly and I flushed, glancing over to the man in question who was giving us a curious look as he talked with Jared and Kim.

"I'm lucky to have him too." I agreed, and I knew that I had found my home here. This... here in La Push... was where I belonged.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Dusk till Dawn | Paul Lahote ✔️Where stories live. Discover now