Chapter 16

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The bookstore was in full swing.

I surmise it's because it's something new for the town to see. Either way, it worked in my favor as lots of books were already being purchased. I was profiting, and that was a humongous good sign.

"I cannot believe you own this place, Laney," a soft voice says beside me, making me grin as I turn towards Kim Connweller who was looking around the store in slight awe. "It's a dream to be surrounded by books all the time!" She gushed with sparkling eyes.

Chuckling, I thanked a costumer who was buying a book. "Well Kimmy, I do need someone to work for me if you want to work part time." I offered with a soft smile.

Kim's eyes snapped over to me in shock. "Seriously?" She grins, rocking on the soles of her feet in excitement. "I'll have to ask my mom, though I know she'll agree. She's been wanting me to get a job for a while now..." She chuckles faintly, and I chuckled with her. "Jared just won't let me." She pouts and I rolled my eyes at that.

"Well Jared has no say over this," I shrugged, running my fingers over the copy of Percy Jackson that sat on my front desk. I had the three books that were currently out, and they were selling pretty well.

The younger girl beams with glee at that. "I'll definitely work for you, Laney! This will help me fund for university..." She trails off with a soft look on her face. "I plan on going to University of Washington, if I get accepted." She shrugs indifferently, though I could tell how nervous she was from the prospect of going to Uni.

Reaching over I pat her shoulder comfortingly. "Kim, they'd be stupid not to take you in," I tell her gently with a soft smile on my face. "You're smart. You have a good head on your shoulders. Know what you want to do with your life. Don't worry about not getting in, sweetness." I knew how she felt. I was in her shoes three years ago, and now I owned this shop.

Anything was possible. Hell, I certainly didn't think I'd be where I am right now.

Kim gives me a shy smile, tucking a strand of her brown hair behind her ears. "Thanks. It's just weird to think about. I'm graduating next year." I forgot that she was a year younger than Bella. With Bella graduating soon in May it was hard to even think about anyone that I knew graduating high school.

"Well there's no time than the present to start saving up," I give her a smirk. "Besides if you take the position I won't be hiring anyone new for a while. So you'll be my assistant of sorts." I shrugged, knowing I was going to need the help. I knew it would be at least a year before I could financially hire someone else, not that I thought I would need it.

"If she works here it would be easier to keep an eye on you two," both of us girls jumped as we turned to see the speaker. I grinned when I saw my fiancée walking in with a casual smirk on his face, though the speaker had been none other than Jared Cameron who made a beeline towards his girlfriend and giving her a chaste kiss on the lips.

Scoffing, I crossed my arms over my chest, leaning into Paul as he rounded behind the counter to wrap his arms around me and press a kiss to my temple. "I resent that remark, Cameron. We're pretty safe people." I teased him, leaning into Paul's touch automatically.

Jared raises an eyebrow at me as he casually wraps an arm around Kim. "Need I remind you that you have a vampire after you?" He gives me a pointed look, and the mere mention of having a vampire after me causes Paul's arms to tighten around me.

"I haven't seen high-tail of Crystal since I moved in with Paul permanently." I shrugged and it was true. I had a feeling that had to do with the pack. Though that didn't stop Victoria from coming over here to scout out the area.

Though that also meant I hadn't seen Riley either. I wasn't sure if I was happy or sad about that fact.

"And she better not," Paul growls venomously, kissing my cheek.

"If she does we'll be here," Jared grins triumphantly, excited at the prospect of killing another vampire. While there was a small part of me that didn't want to kill Crystal, another big part of me was alright with it.

Especially since she threatened me a few months ago and the Cullen girls had to save my ass.

"Do you need anymore help bringing stuff in, Laney?" Jared asked as he scanned the room, eyeing all the books on display. The boys had all chipped in, helping bring stuff in and making the place feel like home. Or rather my home away from home, as I knew I'd be here a lot in order to take care of the store.

"I have another box of books to put away, but otherwise you guys did a good job this morning putting everything away." Everything else was backups, since the shelves were pretty full already.

Having the boys as friends were a godsend at times. When they worked for food that was even better.

Staying later in order to get everything set up for the shop, Paul had already gone home. He promised to bring home some of Emily's cooking so that I would have something to eat, though I highly doubted that it would be there by the time I arrived at our house. I loved him, but due to his metabolism as a wolf he needed to eat... and a lot, which made me quite jealous.

I wish I could pig out and gain muscle from it.

Putting away the rest of the books that I needed to, I froze when the door opened. "I'm sorry, we're closed!" I called out to whoever was entering the shop, reaching up to put a book on the shelf.

"I'm not a costumer," a suave, smooth voice called out - making me freeze at the familiarity of it. Frowning I stepped off the stood I was standing on, walking out to the front to see Riley leaning against the desk that held the cash register, looking around the store with appraising eyes. "Nice place you got here," he grins at me, showing off his fangs.

Shivering, I raised an eyebrow at him - wondering how he even got onto La Push in the first place. I knew that Embry and Quil were patrolling the area. "How are you even here, Riley?" I asked him, trying not to feel scared at how red his eyes were.

Vampires who drank blood from humans had red eyes, according to Bella when we spoke to each other.

"I have my ways," he states, repeating what he had said last time we had a meeting. "I came to warn you." He spoke, frowning as he turned to look at me. His skin looked sickly pale, and I had to remind myself that was because he was no longer human.

That caught my attention. I stood up straight, giving him my full attention now. "Warn me about what?"

Riley pursed his lips, as if he was in deep thought. "They're coming soon." He nods his head. "Coming for you and Bella. I suggest you guys get ready for it."

I blinked at that information, frowning. "Who is they, Riley?"

"Victoria. Crystal. They're army. They want to destroy the Cullen's, and Crystal wants to destroy you because of me. Maybe tell your wolves, in case things go south and the Cullen's aren't able to save you and your sister." He tells me bluntly, and before I could say anything else he vanished - as if he had never been there in the first place.

Leaving me with the nightmare future that was running in my head. 

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