Chapter 3

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"You know, when dad finds out about these motorcycles you're going to be in a hell of trouble," I warned Bella when I saw the bikes. When she had told me she was going to see Jacob I had hopped on that wagon. Besides, I could just go and say hi to the boy and his father before going over to Sam and Emily's. Emily wanted me to come over anyway, and this was the perfect opportunity to do so.

Bella paled at that, clearing her throat. "I-I know..." She admits sheepishly as she pulls into Jacob's driveway. "I just... he wanted me to hang out with some friends, and Jacob's a friend. This is a perfect excuse to hang out with him!" She defended her need to fix the bikes and I shrugged, unbuckling my seatbelt.

"That's fine and all, but you know that boy is head over heels for you, right? He's had a crush on you for years." Hell, if Bella said let's hang out I knew he would take that opportunity without any excuses.

If Bella said jump, Jacob wouldn't ask how high. He'd just jump.

Flushing, Bella fiddled with her thumbs as she exited the truck. "I don't like him like that," she whispered, and I knew she was still hung up on Edward. There was no way that she just got over a boy who brought her this much heart ache and hops over to the next.

Nodding my head, I just give her a soft look. "I know. Just... don't go leading the poor boy on, okay? He doesn't deserve that." I told her softly, earning a flinch at the insinuation.

Before she can say anything else I can see the lanky boy walking out of his garage, most likely hearing the truck as it pulled into the driveway. Hell, he probably heard that thing while we entered La Push. "Bella! Where have you been, loca?!" I smiled softly when he hugged her, her arms wrapping around his waist in kind.

They would have been a cute couple. It's too bad Bella is hung over Edward too much to see what potential Jacob was.

Clearing her throat, she released the boy. "I brought you something," she grins at him and he blinks in surprise.

Looking up, he grins at me. "Laney?!" He struts over to me and I laugh as I hug him back. "Wow, it's been what, a year since I last saw you? How's school?" He rambled as he dropped me, placing his hands on my shoulders.

Bella glanced over at me quizzically, probably wondering how it's been a year since I saw him. "I visit dad," I reprimanded her, causing her to flush at that as I turned back towards Jacob, who was smirking at me. "I've moved all my classes online for the time being. Visiting dad," I jerked my head towards Bella and Jacob nodded as if he understood what my silent message was.

"Anyway, Elaine wasn't who I brought you." Bella interrupted with a roll of her eyes. Huffing, I give her a look but she's already walking away, Jacob patting my shoulder as he follows her.

"Scrap metal, you shouldn't have!" Jacob gasped jokingly, and I saw Bella blush at that.

"Jake, I'm going to see your dad before I go visit who I came here to visit! Call me when you're ready to go home, Bells!" I called after my younger sister, earning a salute from Jacob. No answer from Bella, though I wasn't exactly expecting it either.

"Did I hear Bella come in, Jake?" Billy called out when he heard the front door open.

Chuckling, I walked into the kitchen - watching as Billy was making himself a cup of coffee. "Of course you did, you can hear that truck from miles away." I smirked when I saw him fumble with the mug, setting it on the table as he wheeled himself around to face me.

"Why Elaine Swan, it's good to see you!" He grins as he wheels himself over to me. Chuckling some more I lean down to hug the old man as he beckons me to with his hands. "To what do we owe the pleasure?" He pulls back, giving me a soft smile.

"Here on Bella damage control," I shrugged, noticing the demeanor it took at that. "I'm living with dad and Bella for a little while. All my classes are online, but they said I could come back if needed." I felt like a broken record explaining that to people.

Billy nodded his head, looking a little dazed. "I see. The old man finally called you, did he?" He chuckled, and I laughed with him. "Should've done that ages ago. Going to see Emily?" He wondered with a raised eyebrow.

"Small town," I chuckled, shaking my head. "I didn't want to be a third wheel to Jacob and Bella. Figured being a third wheel to Sam and Emily would be easier," I joked, earning a chuckle from the old man. At least Sam and Emily didn't have that teen angst energy.

"You're probably right about that," Billy agrees easily, belly laughing. "Well don't let an old man like me keep you. I'm sure you have people waiting," he winked at me and I rolled my eyes. I had always loved Billy Black. He had that charisma and always knew what to say to people. He had always been like a second father to me, and I appreciated the hell out of him.

Sam and Emily's wasn't that far away from the Black's. It was only about a five minute walk, but almost anywhere in La Push was a five minute walk from each other. That's what I loved about this small village. That, and it was about a ten minute drive to Forks if you needed anything else that La Push didn't have. Which is something I loved about small towns.

Boisterous laughter could be heard from the cottage as I paused outside of the front door. It seemed like they had company, and I almost turned back to just hang out with Billy - though I decided to knock on the door a few times. I'd leave if they told me to leave.

I waited a few moments before the door opened. Sam Uley stood there, a smirk on his face though it morphed into a soft smile. "Hello Elaine. Come to see Emily?" He asked, allowing me to come inside the home.

Blinking, I rolled my eyes. "Sounds like deja-vu. I just got done saying hi to Billy and he said the same exact thing," I teased him, earning chuckling from the man as he led me towards the living room.

"Look who just rolled in!" Sam called out, Emily whirling around and beaming at me when she saw me with Sam. "You met Paul the other day," he nodded towards the boy sitting on the couch who was watching TV. His eyes immediately found mine and he gave me a smile. "The idiot on the floor is Jared Cameron." He nods towards the boy laying on the floor, who glanced up at me when his name was called.

"No fucking way! Elaine Swan, when did you get into town?!" I grinned when I recognized the boy who immediately jumped up, engulfing me in a hug.

"Jare-bear?!" I hugged him back, his skin just as hot as Sam and Paul's. Maybe it was just a Quillete thing. "Wow, it's been ages since I last saw you. When did you get so tall?!" I teased him, pulling back slightly to get a good look at his face. He had definitely grown, though the last time I saw him was when we were both sixteen.

"I'm a growing boy!" He grins at me, making me laugh. "We hung out sometimes when she came down to visit the Chief," Jared explains when he sees the surprised reaction of the others.

"I visited dad more than Bella did, so I got to meet some people." I shrugged with a soft smile. "Jared was one of my favorites." Jared puffed out his chest at that, pride written on his face.

Sam chuckles at that. "That makes this easier than," he nods, a small smile on his face at the interaction. "Stay for as long as you'd like, Elaine. Emily's making chili for dinner tonight."

Emily beamed as I walked over to her, engulfing me in her own hug. "It's the easiest thing to make for three growing men," she chuckled faintly. "Here, help me."

That was how I spent my afternoon, and well into the evening. Hanging out with Emily and laughing with the boys, sometimes at.

It felt like I was somewhere where I belonged, and it made my heart fill full. 

Dusk till Dawn | Paul Lahote ✔️Where stories live. Discover now