Chapter 13

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"Do you think Jacob will somehow get past the Alpha order?" Emily asked as we were making food for the boys. They were all out at Jacob's, having another meeting about the vampire that keeps crossing their borders. They think she's searching for something, but without a clue as to what they were pretty much at a stalemate until they can finally catch her.

With a shrug, I mixed the icing for her muffins. "I wouldn't be surprised if she already knows, if she knows about the vampires." I mused, shaking my head. How she could willingly date one and put dad at risk was beyond my comprehension. "She told me Jacob told her stories about the legends. That was how she figured out the Cullens were the Cold Ones mentioned in those stories."

Emily hummed at that, nodding her head. "If anything, he'll probably use that to jog her memory. That boy is too love-sick to realize the dangers of it all." Sighing I nodded my head. I could agree with that. Though Bella was also way too nosy, and tended to stick her nose into places it didn't belong. When she wanted something she would get it.

I just hoped that didn't end with someone getting hurt.

Loud voices could be heard outside the cabin. Emily and I exchanged a surprised glance, not having expected the boys for another hour. My eyes widened when I saw Jared and Embry walking inside, Bella in tow - who looked a little awkward as she grimaced.

"Bells? What are you doing here?" I asked her in confusion, her head snapping up when she heard my voice - relief flooding onto her face.

"She came to confront Jake," Embry answered and I winced, sighing. She had talked about doing that, and I was trying to talk her out of it. I guess me not being there to talk her out of doing something gave her a reason to do it.

"And she slapped Paul, so you might have to calm him down when he comes back," Jared nods towards me and I sighed again, nodding my head. I had no clue what events occurred that made my sister think slapping a werewolf would be a good idea, but I knew that he must have said something to piss her off.

Emily sighed, shaking her head. "He's been doing so much better too," she muses, turning to look at Bella - who looked even more confused. "Hello, I'm Emily. So you're Bella Swan." She gives my sister a once over, curious. She had always wanted to meet my sister, as I have talked about her a little bit. "You're the vampire girl."

Bella turned her gaze towards me and I nodded, letting her know I knew. Biting her lip, Bella turned to look at Emily, who was giving her a kind smile. "And you're the wolf girl," she surmises, making the rest of the house chuckle.

Shrugging, Emily beams as she holds up her right hand. "I am. At least engaged to one," she nods. "I'm making more muffins, but please help yourself to the ones already on the table. Jared, save some for your brothers!" She scolds and I snickered at the off-putting look on his face.

"Where is Jake, Paul and Sam?" I wondered when I noticed the boys were missing.

Jared and Embry both looked at each other before glancing at me. "Well when Bella here slapped Paul, he phased. Jacob phased on the fly to protect Bella. Sam is doing damage control," Jared surmised, Embry nodding his head. "I have ten dollars on the line that your boyfriend doesn't get hurt, so he better not let me down!" Jared smirked, making me roll my eyes.

"No way! Jacob phased like a natural!" Emrby argued, and the boys went back to arguing about who would come out uninjured.

Rolling my eyes, I turned to Bella, who looked awkward sitting at the stool with a muffin in her hands. "So you know?" I asked her, sitting beside her on the other stool.

Nodding, she looks up at me. She seemed scared, and I wanted to laugh at that. She willingly hung out with vampires, dated one and was best friends with one. She had no right to be afraid of the wolves. Though I guess I can understand with Paul shifting so suddenly why she'd be terrified, but it still didn't make any sense for her to be so. "And you know..." She trails off with a frown and I raised an eyebrow, wondering why she was sad about that.

"I've known for a few weeks now," I shrugged, earning a gaping look from my sister. "Paul and I are connected, Bella. It's within my right to know."

"She's right, Bella!" Embry piped up and we glanced over at him. "She has more of a right to know than you do."

Bella's head snapped over to him. "Jacob is my best friend. I have every right to know that he's a werewolf!" She disagrees and I rolled my eyes at her entitled behavior.

"Not necessarily." Jared shrugged, unbothered that Bella was being defensive. "Jacob was told not to tell you, because it wasn't in your right to know. Because what we are is dangerous." He smirks and I rolled my eyes, though the corner of my mouth lifted into a smile.

"Besides, you're not supposed to know unless you get imprinted by one of us. And you're not," Embry points out with a frown, shaking his head.

"Embry! This chick runs with vampires, you can't just tell her our trade secrets!" Jared gasps as if he was betrayed and I moved over to the couch, sinking into the cushions.

"Well you can't run with vampires. Because they're fast." Bella smirks to herself at that and I just roll my eyes again.

Jared and Embry glance over at her, raising an eyebrow. "Well we're faster. We're built to take care of them. Scared yet?" Jared grins, showing off his pearly white teeth.

"You're not the first monsters I've met..." Bella trails off with a chuckle and I frown, sharing a look with Emily who just shakes her head as she finishes with the next batch of muffins. She was putting the icing on them, and I was going to go over and help when I noticed Sam walking into the house, looking at little irate.

"Jacob's right. You are good with weird." Sam states as he makes a beeline towards Emily. I smiled when he kisses her face, Emily giggling at the feeling.

Paul walks in next, nodding towards Bella. "Sorry," he says half-heartedly, probably not meaning it as he walks over to me - sitting beside me and pulling me towards him. I bury my face into his neck, sighing in relief and feeling whole now that he was back as he kisses the side of my head. I noticed he got nicked and frown, trailing my finger along the new scar. "Don't worry babe, it'll heal." He promises with a soft smile on his face.

"Pay up, Jared!" Embry crows and I turned to look at them, snickering when Jared grumbles after seeing Jacob was left unharmed.

"You didn't get him?" I asked in amusement, turning to look at Paul who was looking at me with all the love he can muster.

"I tried," he shrugs, unbothered.

Jacob and Bella walk out of the house to talk. Shaking my head, a frown makes it's way on my face as the boys talked about what they were going to do about this situation. I had told Bella not to lead the boy on, but it seems like she's not listening to that advice.

Maybe I needed to have another talk with her about how she was leading Jacob on. They weren't imprints, and she had Edward. I knew within my heart that he wasn't going to go away that easily, and part of me knew that he would be back.

Whether the wolves wanted them back or not.

"Babe, are you okay?" Paul asks when he noticed I wasn't really contributing to the conversation.

I blinked out of my reverie as I glanced up, everyone looking at me with various worried looks. "I'm just worried about how all this is going to go down," I admitted, biting my lip. When the Cullens came back was left unsaid, but knew everyone was thinking the same thing. Paul pulls me closer to him, kissing my head again in comfort and reassurance.

Part of me knew that something was about to break. And I was terrified to find out what that could be.

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