Chapter 2

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I was sitting in the kitchen, waiting on Leah. We were going to La Rosa's for some coffee, and some pastries. I had raved to Leah how good the pastries were, and we were finally going to get some. Plus, she was going to meet one of my childhood friends from Forks, and I was excited to meet up with her.

Bella was sitting at the counter, waiting on her own boyfriend to pick her up for something. It was awkward, if I was being totally honest. We still weren't exactly on speaking terms. Well.. I should say we haven't exactly said a word to each other since I went off on her boy toy, who I was sure told Bella everything that I said to him.

With a sigh, I looked over at Bella, who was giving me a glance every now and then. "Bella," I started, making her glance up at me in surprise. "Are you... happy, with him?" I winced at that, wanting to understand why she can just go back to someone who hurt her so much.

Biting her lip, she gives me a nervous look. "I am. I'm sorry Laney. I know I hurt you and dad when I left, but I had to save him. He was going to kill himself otherwise." She pleaded at me and I sighed again, understanding her point. If Paul had done something like that... well, I probably would have done the same if I was in her situation.

"I guess I just don't understand how you can run back into his arms after he hurt you so bad," I admitted, and she winced, giving me a sad look. "Jacob and I basically had to piece you together, Bells." I reminded her softly and she nodded her head in understanding.

"I... I know..." She admitted reluctantly, sighing. "And I know you're still upset with me," she noted and I just grimaced, shrugging. I was. There was no hiding that. "Edward told me what you said to him and... Laney, I'd really like it if you at least tried to get to know him." She told me softly, giving me a pleading look.

Looking at her, she seemed sad. Still sad, even though her life was back. It was like she could have one thing, but not the other... and well, we all knew who she would choose in the end. It would always be Edward.

Honestly, if I had that dangling in front of me I didn't know who I would choose. Paul, or my family? I did give up my entire college experience, just so I could help Bella. I would like to think, however, that I wouldn't have that choice dangling in front of me. I wouldn't have to choose between one thing or another. For me, it was different. I was dating a werewolf, who could choose to stop shifting when they deemed he wasn't needed for the pack. Edward, however, couldn't choose not to be a vampire. That was just who he was, and he couldn't go back to being human.

Which I could understand, at a certain standpoint. He didn't choose this life, and didn't deserve the hate that he got from the wolves just because he was a vampire. I disliked him simply because he hurt my little sister. Made her cry, and gave her nightmares.

That was that, and a valid reason to dislike someone.

A car honk outside took my attention away from my sister, and I breathed in a sigh of relief. Thank goodness for Leah's timing. "That's Leah. I'll... I'll think about it, okay?" I turned towards Bella who pursed her lips but nodded. "Bella, you have to realize that when he left you... it made the rest of us miserable. You had nightmares every night. Woke dad and I up, we barely got any sleep those months." I placated her, watching as she flinched - looking down at her hands sadly. "So I'm entitled to dislike him a little bit. I get what he is to you, cause I have Paul, but... be a little considerate to us." I reminded her, giving her a soft smile and patting her shoulder before walking out to meet Leah in the parking lot.

Leah raised an eyebrow at me as I got into the passenger side, slamming the car door shut and sighing. "Have a nice little chat with little Swan?" Leah coos and I rolled my eyes at the nickname she gave her. Ever since we became close she's been more considerate with the nicknames, unlike some of the boys who still call her a leech lover. Which I get, hating vampires is in their genes, and I wasn't overly fond of them either.

Though I had different reasonings compared to the boys.

"I did more of the talking," I chuckled, shaking my head as we started to head towards La Rosa's to meet up with my friend. Destiny Stanley and I have been friends since we were kids. We met at a bookstore one day, and we really hit it off when I was visiting dad in the summer. "She doesn't understand how she treated us while Edward was away. Had to remind her." I shrugged, making Leah snort in amusement at that.

"So this friend of yours we're meeting. What she like?" Leah asked absentmindedly, causing me to raise an eyebrow. "I'm all for making friends, Lane, you know that. It will be nice to have some friends that aren't the heathens..." She trails off sheepishly and I chuckled, knowing that feeling all too well. Kim was a little too young for me to create a bond with, and Emily always seemed busy with Sam when he was free - and I could definitely understand that. That, and Emily had taken Kim under her wing to become a pack mom. Which I had found to be adorable.

Shrugging, I settled into the truck. It seemed like everyone in La Push had some sort of variant of a truck, at least everyone that I hung out with. "She's nice. You'll like her," I promised with a grin. "Bubbly, and talkative. She's a book girl. That was how we met, at a bookstore." I reminisced on the memories, having missed her. I hadn't seen Destiny in a while, mostly because we've both been too busy to try and catch up.

"That sounds like you," Leah teased and I rolled my eyes, sticking my tongue out at her.

"Shut up," I sniped back playfully, not missing a beat. "You'll like her, I promise. She has a way of pulling people in." That was true. She was charismatic, which made me jealous. I wish that I could make friends like Destiny did.

I couldn't imagine why she was still in Forks, Washington.

Pulling into the parking spot, I caught a glimpse of someone watching us. I thought he looked familiar, and after staring at each other I knew that was Riley. I hadn't talked to Riley in a few weeks, and had thought maybe he was just sick. Though that normally wouldn't have stopped him from trying to get a hold of me in some way.

"You okay, Lane?" Leah asked as she started to get out of the truck. Shaking my head, I glanced over at her, giving her a reassuring smile before I turned my head back to call out to Riley.

Only to see he wasn't there.

I blinked, wondering how he could have gotten away that quickly. Leah seemed a little tense, but she wasn't voicing out her concerns as we walked towards the Cafe. "Yeah, I'm good. I just thought..." I trailed off, turning to look where I had seen Riley. I just thought I had seen someone I knew.

Raising an eyebrow, Leah didn't ask me to elaborate any further as we walked into the cafe. The smell of cinnamon hit my nose and I grinned, forgetting all about what had just happened. "You're going to love they're pastries," I promised Leah, who was giving me an amused look.

"So you keep telling me," she quips, smirking at me. "Where's your friend?" She wonders, glancing around the cafe. I opened my mouth to reply when a shriek sounded.

"ELAINE!" I was engulfed in a warm hug, laughter sounding as I hugged her back. Pulling back, I got a good look of my old friend. Destiny was beautiful; tanned skin, brown eyes, brunette hair that flowed to beneath her shoulder blades. Freckles dot in between her eyes as she gives me a blinding smile. "Wow, look at you! And whose this?" Destiny turns towards Leah, who freezes in shock at seeing her. I see so many emotions running through her dark eyes and I smirk, knowing what just happened.

Leah imprinted on one of my best friends.

"That's Leah Clearwater," I supplied with a grin, seeing Destiny was also starring at her in wonder. "Lee, this is Destiny Stanley, the girl I've been telling you about."

Destiny smirks at that information, raising an eyebrow as she turns to look at Leah, who was still starring at her in awe. "Laney talks about me, huh? Good things I hope." She teases as I roll my eyes, nudging Leah to get her to answer.

Shaking her head, Leah gives her a small smile. "All good things. I was wondering who we were meeting today, and this solves the mystery."

Giggling, Destiny gives Leah a thousand-watt smile. "It's so nice to meet another one of Elaine's friends! Lets get some food and coffee and get to know each other! And we have to catch up!" Destiny turns towards me as I nod, while giving Leah a smirk.

Just wait till the boys hear about this.

Dusk till Dawn | Paul Lahote ✔️Where stories live. Discover now