Chapter 8

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Making sure to tell Paul I would be hanging out with Riley today, I got ready to meet with my new friend. Paul had pouted, but trusted me not to do anything - which warmed my heart. Was that the imprint bond, or just him? I had no clue, but it made me feel warm and cozy on the inside that he trusted me enough to hang out with another boy who had asked for my number.

I had no clue why I was even doing this, in actuality. Part of me screamed to just hang out at the rez with Paul and the others, but there was something about Riley that made me want to get to know him. Maybe it was the charismatic energy that radiated off of the boy, or the fact that maybe he just needed a friend. We could all use friends, and I didn't want to deprive him of that if that was what he needed.

"Elaine, honey, whose in our driveway?" Dad called up to me, making me quicken my pace as I slid on a purple cardigan. Grabbing my bag, I went down the stairs two at a time as I kissed him on the cheek, grinning when he flushed at the affection.

"That's my new friend that I met a few days ago. His name is Riley," I supplied with a shrug. "He wanted to hang out, even though I already told him I'm with Paul. Paul knows I'm going," I informed him when he raised an eyebrow at me.

Pursing his lips, dad just shrugs. "As long as he knows. Bella's with Jake again, and I won't be home until late." He informs me and I nod my head.

"I might go over to La Push then, if the house is going to be empty." I didn't exactly enjoy being alone, never did - even before I knew there were other things out there... like shape-shifters, and possibly other supernatural beings.

I wasn't stupid. I knew if wolf shifters existed there was a good chance other things like that existed as well. However, for the sake of my sanity, I wanted to continue being blissfully ignorant to the other possibilities.

"Hey Riley," I greeted as I stepped into the passenger side, putting on my seatbelt. He was in all black, wearing his black studs in both ears and snake-bites. "Where we headed?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

With a smirk he pulls out of my driveway. "We're going to that cafe I mentioned. La Rosa's Cafe," he grins at me. "They have the best coffees and cakes. Even have finger sandwiches and salads. Though I mostly go for their Oreo lattes," he chuckles impishly, and I give him an amused look. "And her infamous Oreo Pudding." He adds on, eyes shimmering at the thought.

Laughing, I shake my head at him. He seemed super excited, and I was glad I decided to go with him. We talked about nonsense for the five minutes it took to drive there, and it was a cute cafe nestled between some stores. A boutique and a nail salon sat between the cafe as Riley pulled into a parking spot.

On the outside, it seemed like your average cafe - though there really wasn't much to be done with a few buildings that resemble a walking mall. On the inside though, you could tell the owner did what she could with the little space that she had. Cookbooks lined the edge of the wall titled Rosa Diaz, which I assumed was the owner of the establishment. A dessert case stood as the center piece, while there was another smaller case up front with the cashier that had all the finger foods. My mouth was watering at the smell that was inside, and Riley was standing smugly beside me.

"Was I right, or was I right?" He counters with a smirk, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the deserts first. It was an open case so you could choose which one you wanted, and I was staring at all the deserts greedily. Riley laughs at me, giving me an amused look. "I didn't take you for a sweets person." He teases lightly.

"I didn't take you for one either," I tease back, grabbing a strawberry cheesecake that was calling out to me. "I'm usually a savory person, but I can get down with sweets every now and then." I grin at him, grabbing a thing of plastic silverware and making my way towards the finger foods case.

I could hear Riley laughing behind me as he grabs his Oreo Pudding cup. "Point taken," he agrees as he eyes the finger foods. He takes one as I grab half of an egg sandwich.

As we make our way towards the cashier, her eyes light up when she sees Riley. "Oh! Riley, I wasn't expecting to see you today! Whose this?" She squints at me and I cough awkwardly. This girl definitely had a thing for him, and I sent him a raised eyebrow look as he gives me an awkward look back.

"I'm Elaine. A friend of his," I assured her and she continues to give me the stink eye. "I just want this, and a Vanilla latte with oat milk please..." I trail off as she continues to look at Riley.

"I'll have my usual, and I'm paying for everything." He announces, making me protest. "I wanted to hang out with you today, at least let me treat you." He winks and I sigh, knowing that wasn't winning me over with the cashier.

Scoffing, the cashier goes ahead and tells the barista the drinks that need to be made, tallying up our order. "That'll be nine dollars and seventy five cents," she reads, looking up towards Riley who digs into his pocket - pulling out a ten dollar bill.

"I don't think she likes me very much," I chuckle as we made our way towards the outdoor seating.

Gaping at me, he places the tray that held our items onto the tea-table. There were at least four sitting outside of the cafe, giving people the opportunity to sit outside if they wanted to. "How could she not? She just met you!" He points out to be as we grab our food and drinks.

"She has a crush on you, Riley." I give him a raised eyebrow as I took a bite of the egg sandwich. It was flavorful, and a delightful lunch option.

Riley scoffs as he takes a bite of his own sandwich that looked to be ham salad. "No way. We've known each other since we were kids. I would know if she did," he tries to point out weekly, taking a sip of his coffee.

"She was glaring at me the entire time..." I trail off in amusement. "I think she's still glaring at me." I point out as I glance inside the cafe as she was helping another costumer, turning to glare at me from time to time. "And, you would be the last to know if she had a crush on you. That's how we work." I told him smugly, laughing at the look he gave me.

"Crystal doesn't have a crush on me," he refutes, denying it. Shrugging, I decide not to say anything else, knowing that she did. "She doesn't." He reiterates grumpily, and I hold my hands up in surrender - laughing.

"Okay, okay." I snickered, rolling my eyes. "Why are you so defensive about it?" I take a sip of the drink, sighing. It was good. Now to try the cheesecake.

"My friends all say she does," Riley shrugs, pouting. "We've been friends since we were in diapers. Our parents were friends since they were in diapers. There's just..." He trails off, squinting at the tray that sat between us. "No way she likes me!" He finishes off in a huff.

"If you don't think she likes you than maybe you're right," I shrug, though I knew he was just denying it. "Sounds like you got a crush on her though." I smirked at him, laughing when he whined.

"I shouldn't have brought you here!" He grumbles in defeat as I smirk at him.

Taking a bite of the cheesecake, I nearly moaned at the taste. Whoever this Rosa Diaz was, she was a godsend. This cheesecake was to die for. "Ask her out," I tell him simply, sipping at the drink again.

He gives me a bewildered look before looking into the cafe again, a small smile on his face. "You think so?" He wonders, pondering if he should ask his friend out or not.

Shrugging, I finish off my cheesecake. "You clearly like her. And she clearly likes you. Ask her out, I'm sure she'll say yes." I stated with finality.

A small smile forms on his face. "If you say so," he shrugs casually, though a flush crept into his cheeks. "Maybe it was a good thing I brought you here." He denies his earlier accusation, and I grinned at him in return.

Maybe it was, and I made a new friend. One I hoped would be with me for a long time. 

Dusk till Dawn | Paul Lahote ✔️Where stories live. Discover now