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       They all got into battle stances, which sounded funny, but looked FIERCE. Dex, whipping out gadgets. Biana, disappearing in and out of sight.Marella, snapping her fingers to create a wall of fire around them. Linh, gathering water and moisture around them. Tam, creating spears out of shadow flux.

       Fitz and Keefe, drawing out their swords. Sophie, clutching their empty hands and levitating off the ground ready to inflict. "What do you want?" Sophie snarled. 

      Lady Gisela let out a soft, but dark chuckle. Keefe looked just about ready to tackle his mom. She put her hands up in a surrender position, "Relax, all I want is for me and Sophie to have a" 

      Keefe folded his hands and scoffed, "Absolutely not, Mommy Dearest." Sophie twined their fingers and took a deep breath. "Will all your other members drop your weapons and leave, you too drop them, but stay?" Lady Gisela looked at all of them for reassurance and nodded.

     "If your friends do the same." Sophie looked at her concerned friends who were trying to convince her not to. "...Ok." So all of them except Lady Gisela and Sophie left. 

      Sophie sat down and raised an eyebrow at her, "So..what's this about?" She inquired. 

      Lady Gisela kneaded her hands so tight, her knuckles turned white. "So, I hear you and my son are dating.." Sophie turned pale, "H-How'd y-you know-w?" She smiled an evil smile.

     "Anyway,.. I don't like seeing my son happy, he doesn't deserve it." Sophie snorted, "Coming from you, I figured." 

      Lady Gisela continued, "So as I was saying before you rudely commented, I want you to break up with him with no explanation except 'because your mom is with the neverseen' ok?."

     Sophie wanted to kick her in the shins so bad but instead she gritted her teeth and said with no hesitation, "NEVER." Sophie didn't shout but she was firm. 

      Lady Gisela tapped her chin, "Ok...fine. How about you kiss the Vacker boy?" she countered. "You mean Fitz?" she asked. 

      "Yes, whatever you call him." Sophie immediately rejected (As figured). 

        Lady Gisela smiled slyly, "I think I need to put a ... threat into the mix. If you don't kiss Fitz, I will capture Keefe, and don't think you can protect him, you know better than anyone else Sophie, that I have my ways." 

       Sophie wanted to curl up into a ball, which she did, and bury her face in her hands, which she did, and say 'no way' but...she couldn't risk Keefe's safety, even if he hates her after this. 

       "..Ok.." she said so quietly hoping it wouldn't be real or rather true if Lady Gisela didn't hear her, but of course, life doesn't work that way. 

       "Perfect." She said, with no pity or sorrow for Sophie, just pure evil. "So..when do I have to do it..?" She asked. 

        Lady Gisela's lips curled at the corners into what Sophie assumed was a smile, "I'm so glad you asked. As soon as I leave, I'll be watching..." 

        Sophie felt a chill run up her spine and she shivered at the thought. She glittered into nothing, leaving Sophie in disbelief. 

        "Foster, what did she say to you?" Keefe asked her, as soon as they all finished filing into the grand hall.

         Sophie couldn't bear the thought of telling Keefe what just happened, so she just shrugged him off and said, "Oh, nothing..Legacy, Legacy, Elysian, Stellarlune, Blah, blah, blah." 

         He chuckled at this and Sophie was relieved that he bought it, since lying to an empath is considered hard, and is probably harder when that empath just happens to be your boyfriend and he knows you and your emotions better than everyone else. 

        Biana interrupted by saying, "So, should we get back to sleeping?" Everyone agreed in unison and they said goodnight and tucked in. 

        "Goodnight Foster. Love ya!" Keefe whispered in Sophie's ear. 

        Her insides churned like gooey, chunky mallowmelt (A/N this part was originally going to be chunky butter), knowing this might be the last time he will. 

        As soon as everyone fell asleep she sat up, thinking about how she was gonna ask Fitz, but she didn't need to because he came to her. 

       "Hey Sophie," Fitz tore a hand through his hair, "I know you probably hate me, but can I talk to you for a minute?" 

        Sophie was about to retort, but realized she needed a favor. "Sure . . ." They both got up and Sophie led him into a small clearing that Keefe had shown her the other day. 

        She swept back the tree branches as she sat down in the private clearing. Fitz took a seat across from her. "So..what do you want to talk about?" Sophie asked him. 

        He tore a hand through his hair, "Sophie, I was still changing when you and Lady Gisela were talking, so when I went downstairs, not knowing I wasn't supposed to, I heard what she said about you and Keefe, and I feel really bad." 

        Sophie grimaced. "So to make up for all the stuff I've done," He continued, pausing the length of a heartbeat, "I'll set you up to make it look like I did it." Sophie gaped at Fitz, who was telling the genuine truth. 

       "No. I can't let you do that." She was firm about it. Fitz's eyes pleaded for her to hear him out, "Please, let me help." She turned her head away, "Fine ..." Sophie was about to melt away, realizing she was done for. 

Chapter 9, done zo!! I couldn't have done it without yall!! 

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