What's this?

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3rd person POV

Sal slowly came out from behind the tombstone, looking at the retreating y/n with sadness.

"Y/n. I know how you feel." He sighed sadly as he began to walk towards a garden. He knelt down in front of it and picked out some Deadly Night Shade.


Sal put the Night Shade into a jar and put it away, just as Dr. Finkelstein started to come down the stairs.

"Sal!" Finkelstein called out to the boy, making him quickly shut the cabinet and turn around to greet the old man. "You've come back." He smiled at Sal, but Sal just looked at the doctor with sadness.

"I had to." Sal answered bluntly, almost as if he had no emotion.

"For this!" Finkelstein smirked while holding up Sal's arm who waved at him.

"Yes." Sal nodded as Finkelstein put the arm on his lap.

"Shall we, then?" He asked while turning his wheelchair around, gesturing for Sal to go up first. Sal walked up the ramp with his head down, Finkelstein following close behind.


Finkelstein started to reattach Sal's arm, Sal not even flinching since he was so used to this now.

"That's twice this month you've slipped deadly nightshade into my tea and run off." Finkelstein spoke up, slightly glaring at the boy from behind his goggles.

"Three times." Sal correct him with a teasing smile.

"You're mine, you know!" Finkelstein shouted at him, causing him to flinch a bit from his tone. "I made you with my own hands." He pointed at the boy, making Sal roll his eyes slightly.

"You can make other creations." Sal suggested, but Finkelstein just gave him a look. "I'm restless. I can't help it." He sighed out with a shrug of his shoulders.

"It's a phase, my boy. It'll pass." Finkelstein softly spoke as he finished stitching up Sal. "We need to be patient, that's all."

"But I don't want to be patient." Sal sighed out in frustration, making Finkelstein look at him and put a reassuring hand on his arm.


Zero barked from behind Jack and y/n. Y/n glanced behind her, already knowing that Zero wanted to play.

"No, Zero, not now." Jack said in a sad voice. "We're not in the mood." He sighed, putting a hand on his head.

Zero kept on barking, floating in front of Jack and y/n making them stop. Y/n softly smiled at the ghost dog.

"Okay, okay." She chuckled as she reached a hand towards her ribs, pulling out a bone from there. "Here you go, boy. Fetch!" She exclaimed, tossing the bone behind her. Zero barked out happily and went to chase after it.

Jack and y/n continued to walk, knowing Zero would bring the bone back to her.


The Mayor's car drove towards Jack and y/n's home, stopping just at the gate. As it stopped, it woke up the band that were napping in front of the gate.

The Mayor smiled while hopping out of the car with some rolled up papers. "Mornin', gents!" The Mayor greeted the band as he made his way towards the house.

He hummed a happy tune while opening the gates. He walked up the stairs and stood in front of the door, pulling the spider string as the doorbell rang.

The band from below watched him curiously, wondering if Jack and y/n were really in there.

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