The imposter A.K.A. Jack

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3rd person POV

The town gathered up in the plaza, waiting for Jack to arrive. Y/n slightly smiled at the music that was being played by the band.

Sal snuck behind the fountain, holding the jug of Fog Juice so he could pour it in. Once he was sure no one was looking, he opened the jug and poured the Juice in the fountain.

Almost immediately, fog started to appear. Suddenly, Jack appeared from within the casket. He smiled at everyone as he stood up completely.

Everyone cheered for him while y/n strained out a smile. Sal sneakily walked towards the crowd and stood next to the Clown.

The Mayor walked up on the stage, pulling out a piece of paper from who knows where.

"Think of us as you soar triumphantly through the sky... outshining every star... your silhouette a dark blot on the moon." The Mayor read out as Jack smiled proudly with every word. Y/n just sighed while shaking her head at Jack. "You and your sister, who are our pride. You and your sister, who are our glory. You and your sister, who have frightened millions into an early grave." He kept reciting while the fog started to thicken and spread across the town. "You and your sister, who have, uh... devastated the, the souls of the living?" He said, sounding unsure if that was what the paper read since he couldn't see the words.

"Oh, no! We can't take off in this." Jack exclaimed with worry. "The reindeer can't see an inch in front of their noses."

Y/n hid her relief, hoping that this was over. Sal was also relieved, but he didn't hide it. "Whew." He said, wiping the imaginary sweat off his forehead.

"This fog's as thick as, as...." The Vampire stuttered.

"Jellied brains." The Cyclops finished for him.

"Or thicker!" Another Vampire exclaimed as everyone muttered in disappointment.

"There go all of my hopes... my precious plans, my glorious dreams." Jack said as he slumped into his casket. Y/n walked over to him and put a reassuring hand on his arm.

"There goes Christmas." Corpse Kid said as tears fell down his chubby face.

"We could still celebrate it. We don't have to-." Y/n said, but was cut off by Zero's bark.

"No, Zero. Down, boy." Jack instructed him, not in the mood to play. Y/n widened her eyes when she saw Zero's glowing nose clearly in the thick fog. It seemed that Jack noticed as well. "My, what a brilliant nose you have!" He smiled, squinting his eyes because of the brightness. "The better to light my way!" He exclaimed in realization while y/n stared at him in shock.

"Jack, I don't think-." Y/n tried to say, but Jack cut her off.

"To the head of the team, Zero!" He ordered the ghost dog, and he did exactly what he said. Everyone started to cheer in joy as Jack waved at everyone. "We're off!" He yelled as he used a whip to make the reindeers go.

"Wait, Jack! No!" Y/n yelled, trying to get him to come back, but he couldn't hear her.

"Ho-ho-ho! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ho!" Jack yelled as he took off into the sky.

Y/n looked down in frustration as Sal made his way towards her. "Thanks for trying, Sal. I'm sorry, I just need to be alone right now." She muttered as she made her way home.

Sal stared at her retreating figure, sad that he couldn't help her as much as he should.

"Good-bye, y/n. My dearest y/n." He sighed as he turned around and made his way towards the cemetery. "Oh, how I hope my premonition is wrong. That way, y/n won't be as sad." He muttered as he passed the band that was playing some music.

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