Kidnap Mr. Sandy Claws?

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3rd person POV

Everyone stood outside the meeting hall, waiting patiently for Jack to give them a job. Y/n had tried to change his mind, but Jack wouldn't give in. So she had no choice but to go with him.

"Patience, everyone. Jack has a special job for each of you." The Mayor said through his megaphone.

From the line, Sal looked up front with worry. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to go wrong with Jack's version of Christmas. And to be honest, he was terrified.

"Dr. Finkelstein." The Mayor called out to the monster. Sal soon panicked when he heard the sound of Finkelstein's wheelchair move closer to him. He quickly walked away and hid behind a wall, just as Finkelstein stopped his chair, looking around in suspicion. "Your Christmas assignment is ready. Dr. Finkelstein,
to the front of the line." The Mayor spoke making Finkelstein start up his wheelchair again and make his way inside the meeting hall.


Y/n watched as Jack gave the vampires a toy doll. One Vampire shook the baby a bit, the toy making a whining sound.

"What kind of noise is that for a baby to make?" The tall Vampire asked with judgment.

"But that's what normal babies sound like in the real world." Y/n said, looking at the vampires with confusion.

"Perhaps it can be improved?" Jack asked them, ignoring y/n's remark.

"No problem!" The Vampires all said as they began to make their way out.

"I knew it!" Jack smiled as he watched them leave.

Soon, Finkelstein started to make his way towards Jack. "Doctor, thank you for coming." Jack greeted him, taking the book from y/n's hands and opening it to a page where Santa was on a sleigh, with reindeers pulling it in the air. "We need some of these." Jack smiled, pointing at the reindeer.

The doctor hummed while y/n looked away from the interaction. "Their construction
should be exceedingly simple, I think." Finkelstein nodded in agreement.

"How horrible our Christmas will be." The Mayor grinned, but Jack shook his head at him.

"No! How jolly!" Jack corrected him, making the Mayor's face switch to his worried one.

"Oh. How jolly our Christmas will be." The Mayor repeated with a despairing tone. He soon yelped when someone started to throw things at him. He growled in frustration, looking around until his eyes settled on three kids with masks.

Y/n gasped at seeing them. Soon frowning in disappointment at Jack. "What are they doing here?" She asked her brother with an annoyed tone of voice.

"Jack sent for us." Lock said as he stood proudly in front of the Mayor.

"Specifically." Shock stood next to Lock while looking up at y/n.

"By name." Barrel finished the sentence as he stood in front of his two companions.

Y/n looked at her brother in pure shock, wondering what was going on in his mind to request Oogie Boogie's boys here.

"Lock." He took off his devil mask, revealing his light red face and yellow eyes.

"Shock." She also took off her mask, smiling up at the Mayor with missing teeth.

"Barrel." He took off his mask and grinned at the Mayor with perfectly straight teeth, soon licking his lollipop.

"Jack, Jack, it's Boogie's boys." The Mayor informed him, looking at the kids with a hint of fear.

"Ah, Halloween's finest trick-or-treaters." Jack smiled as he bent down to their height. Y/n cautiously walked over to them, looking at the three kids with slight suspicion. "The job I have for you is top secret. It requires craft, cunning, mischief." He said with a smirk.

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