Now and forever (Finale)

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3rd person POV

"Are you a gamblin' man, Sandy?" Oogie asked him as he picked up the dice that was on the floor. "Let's play. Hmm?" He smirked while jiggling the dice around in his... hand?

He suddenly stopped when he heard a thud behind him. He turned around with a raised brow, wondering what that noise was.

From his jagged double doors, was a lady's leg, teasing him so he could go and see it up close.

Sal smirked as he hurriedly ran over towards a pipe, crawling inside. He was very careful not to alert Oogie Boogie that he was here. Thank goodness he had snatched the leg from Finkelstein's lab before he came here.

"My, my! What have we here?" Oogie said with interest. He spit in another direction and slicked back his sack from his head. He walked over towards the leg while Sal's hands slid down the rope Sandy was hanging on.

They soon landed on his beard, making him widen his eyes. One of Sal's hands covered his mouth while the other pointed upwards, making Sandy look up at Sal.

"I'll get you out of here." He whispered to Sandy.

Oogie smirked in interest as he grabbed the leg and inspected it closely. "Ah. Lovely." He complemented while taking off the shoe. "Tickle, tickle, tickle. Uh, tickle, tickle, tickle." He repeated, tickling the foot.

(Ngl, this part made me laugh.)

While Oogie was tickling the foot, Sal's hands were untying Sandy's restraints. When they finally freed him, Sal lowered a ladder so Sandy could climb on.

Oogie chuckled as he pulled the leg a little closer to him, accidentally revealing that there was no body attached to it.

"What?" He yelled angrily while turning around and glaring at Sal. "You tried to make a dupe out of me!" He shouted as Sal and Sandy stared at him, frozen.

Oogie started to take a huge breath in, making Sandy hold on for dear life on the ladder. Sal was holding the ladder for him, so it wouldn't blow away. But it was no use.


Jack looked at his list through the sky, wanting to know what his next destination was.

"Who's next on my list?" He asked himself, not noticing the canons that were going his way. "Ah, little Harry and Jordan. Won't they be surprised?" He smiled, the reindeer flying out of the clouds momentarily, giving the soldiers a golden opportunity to hit Jack.

They fired several times, one missile hitting one of the reindeer. Jack widened his eyes at this, grabbed the reins and holding them tight so he won't go tumbling down.

"They're trying to hit us. Zero!" Jack yelled out in fear, telling Zero to go higher. Zero whined in fear, trying to do as told.

But at that moment, a missile shot out and hit Jack's casket. It sent him flying and the casket was blown to smithereens.

"Merry Christmas to all... and to all a good night!" Jack yelled out one last time as he fell down from the sky.


Y/n held her hands over her mouth in shock after seeing that her brother had been blown up. She let out a few tears while everyone just stared at Jack's falling figure in the fountain.

The Wolfman started to howl in despair as everyone muttered in sadness. They then looked at y/n, who had started to cry over her brother.

The Mayor had switched his face to his sad one and rubbed y/n's arm for comfort. After a few seconds, he walked towards his car and got in.

Now and forever (Male Sally x reader)Where stories live. Discover now